List of Top, Prestigious Awards

Number one: Blue ribbon in the pie eating contest at my local county fair.

which one would be more “prestigious” to mention- grand prize at a regional science fair or 1st place (just for your category) at the state science fair?

Neither 10char

why not put both down??

well my resume focuses more on my government ec’s, so i don’t want to mention science too much…


Placing in [International</a> Science Olympiads](<a href=“]International”>International Science Olympiad - Wikipedia)
ISEF Winner
Olympic Medals
Write a book, best seller.
Charity of 7-figure results

ISTS Winner
Siemens Winner
D1 Athlete,
Published Research,
National Speech&Debate Winner,
MOSP (any variant IMO, equivalent to “passing” USAMO),
IB Diploma 42-45 (Hi I’m a superhuman)
USAPhO, USAChO, USACO, USABO Qualifier (Final Qualifiers)

ISTS Finalist
Science Bowl Nationals Winner
USAMO Qualifier
IB Diploma 38-41 (Close but no cigar.)
Davidson Winner

ISTS Semifinalist
ISEF Qualifier/Siemens Regionals & Semis
USAPhO, USAChO, USACO, USABO Qualifier (Semis)
Science Olympiad Nationals Winner
Davidson Honorable Mention
Scholastic American Spirit Award (Art)

Scholastic National Gold Key
Science Bowl Regionals Winner
SSP (Not SSP Harvard, tools)
Congressional Academy
MathCampUSA, Ross, PROMYS
State Speech&Debate Winner
High Five Winner
National Decathalon Winner

Scholastic Regional Gold Key Award
Science Olympiad State Winner
AP National Scholar
IB Diploma (25/45 = What a joke)
Presidential Scholar (SAT/ACT)
Eagle Scout
State Music Award

Regional Science Fair Winner
Recognized Internship
Governor’s School
AIME Qualifier

Science Olympiad Medals (+0.1 for each… Not difficult to amass awards)
N.MeritScholar Finalist,
District Science Fair Winnner

N.MeritScholar Semifinalist
District Music Festival Winner

N.MeritScholar Commended, Valedictorian

0- Honor Roll, School leadership, Class Superlatives, Salutatorian

Interesting that class/asb officer is a “0”. It doesn’t seem like much more than a popularity contest in most cases but one would think that it would be seen as a bit more important than a 0. And same with valedictorian, if the school is somewhat competitive (ie not some tiny midwest public school)

Agreed. I will admit I go to a public school where they are really meaningless - our school defines salutatorian as anyone with a weighted GPA of above 4.0 in a 5.0 scale, only IB/AP classes weighted on 5-pt. So we have around 30 salutatorians, which is pretty crazy, because normally it’s just rank #2, right?

So that’s my bias on it. They’re around the same as NHS, which I don’t place any value on at all

how did TASP get deleted from the list??

It hasn’t been deleted?

Now that I look at it, I think USAMO Qualifications is more than TASP - I’m thinking about moving TASP to 7.

ib diploma = davidson winerr? no way!!

Another point of contention… I should move IB Diploma in general one notch lower for the upper scores, but they’re very very rare (a two digit figure or so people get a 45 internationally?)

Ktk’s list looks good…however, there are some points I would disagree with:

AIME should be higher than a 4 no doubt- although there are relatively higher numbers of people qualifying compared to that of the the other science olympiads, there percent qualification is as lower if not lower than most of them (bio 10%, physics 5-10%, etc)
I would place AIME at 5. (Also, AIME score does matter and the wide variance of AIME scores may actually effect placement. I have scored 8+ but have not made USAMO - however, this does have more weight than someone who scores say a 3.)

Also, the USAMTS - a relatively obscure competition - should be placed in this. Despite being unknown to most, it is actually very prestigious at top tier schools, especially because of its indication of a person being able to work on 5-6 problems in the span of a month. Also, the problems are on the difficulty of the AIME and HMMT.

People that get golds at USAMTS are almost always USAMO+. This really should put Gold on USAMTS at 7-8. A silver usually corresponds to high AIME scorers/USAMO qualifiers and should be placed at around 6. Bronze 5, HM 3-4.

Also, another science olympiad that is also unknown is the North American Computational Linguistics Olympiad. They take the Top 100 Finalists - this should be placed in the category of Semis of the USAPHO, USNCO, USACO, USABO.

Also the National Latin Exam (or equivalent Spanish, French etc) should be placed here - a Gold should correspond with roughly a 4-5.

Just my two cents.

Two questions:

Has anyone decided where being a coauthor of a published paper would be?

Also, this is SO random, but how would being a 1st degree black belt rank? (I know pretty low, but hey, I’m a white girl, so its unique at least)

just a thought about published paper…wouldn’t it rank high simply because it would be peer reviewed by adult scientists etc??

That was my thinking, but I dont know if being a coauthor really counts then…

scholastic writing award is being up too high. Literally thousands of people get that every year

denker qualifier/denker winner?

What about programs like MITES, SSP, Simon’s, etc? Competitive, but not as competitive and well-known as TASP.

2 questions:

01. what’s with the (seemingly arbitrary) reassessment of awards by user Ktk?

it seems kind of ridiculous to put things like school leadership (e.g. captain of soccer team, principal cellist, president of math team) and being salutatorian as “0”. (i don’t really think val/sal should be listed here – there’s not much of a difference between the two, and they vary widely by district. some schools have 10 vals/sals, while some only give them to the #1 and #2 kids. being salutatorian out of 300 kids is arguably better than being valedictorian out of 30. this list is supposed to be for objective measures, typically those state/national/international in scope, because they offer standardization across region, whereas one town’s awarding of val/sal does not)

additionally, i find some of Ktk’s other changes to be just plain weird. being Presidential Scholar – which, for many states, requires 2400 on the SAT – is certainly higher than a 5! half of all 2400s get into Harvard!


does USAJMO fall into the same category/level of USAMO? they have split USAMO into a separate category for 9th/10th graders, the USAJMO