List of Top, Prestigious Awards

@Ozone664, I’m wondering the same exact thing for DECA. Anyone have ideas?

What about the implementation of the USAJMO?

This thread has totally died…so bump

i agree it is a really valuable thread…lots of questions… we need more answers…

Obviously the most prestigious for a teen is a Olympic medal, Academy, Grammy, or Emmy. Because the chance of a 17yr old getting one is super slim. You have a better chance of getting into Harvard then getting on of those.

I’d rank USAJMO around a 7, since it is still very difficult to get to it but not as difficult as USAMO.

Nobel Prize, of course.

Getting the FSA designation (actuary)?

What would ranking 1st in Chemistry in a state science competition be ranked as? The competition I’m talking about is WYSE (Worldwide Youth in Science and Engineering; science test-taking competition). Below is the link to its official website.

[Academic</a> Challenge - WYSE -University of Illinois - Engineering Wiki](<a href=“]Academic”>

I would place something like the National Tournament of Champions in debate as a 10 or 9 (considerably more difficult than NFL Nationals, people have multiple private coaches, thousands of dollars a year in travel, big tournaments at Harvard, Yale, Berkeley, Stanford, etc).

So say getting some thing like top 16 or 8 at the tournament in Lincoln Douglas or Policy has seemed to result in tons and tons of ivy leaguers and is regarded highly by colleges, not to mention that only about 75 debaters in LD or teams in policy qualify at all…

Where would USNCO honors and high honors rank?

csk90 ranked USNCO high honors and honors as about 7 because Top 20 finalist is at 8 and semifinalist (top 1000) is at 6. So you could consider high honors as 7.5 and honors at 7, I suppose.

Being an FSA actuary should really be 10. Seriously look at this: [SOA</a> - Society of Actuaries](<a href=“]SOA”>Fellow of the Society of Actuaries (FSA) | SOA) College graduates can’t even get to ASA/halfway… 7 exams, and the last 2 costs $1025, 6 hours long, and cover more than 2,000 pages+ each. The youngest FSA so far is 20. So you if someone can pass all 7 exams before graduating H.S… that should be number 1. I mean how many H.S. kids can say: I know financial engineering, stochastic calculus, portfolio management, life contingencies, derivative markets, corporate finance, financial economics, regression + time series analysis, financial reporting, and risk management? No one in college can say this. So if a H.S. student can, shouldn’t it be 10, or even above everything on that whole list?

How is USAMO qualifier ranked as equal to USAPhO finalist? Only the top 300 make it for USAMO, but only the top 20 of the semfinalist become finalist for USAPhO.

what would placing in nationals in forensics/debate be?
What about science olympiad 1st in state?

is isef qualifier (as a frosh) even worth mentioning on college apps?


What would getting published in the New Yorker be ranked?

o_o Why is History Day so low? Would it make a difference that I live in Texas - probably the most competitive state for this contest?

How is getting published in a state historical journal?

What about National Merit Commended and Bausch and Lomb? What about state-qualified individual athlete?