List of Top, Prestigious Awards

I’m thinking that serving as a page for state and then national government should stand pretty high on this list. Maybe a 4/8 ranking for state/national.

I think we are also forgetting that though some of these are hooks, college admissions tend to look at the big picture and a whole is greater than the sum of its parts. So, as the things ranked 8-10 may be amazing singularly, if not accompanied by a similarly wonderful application, then admission rates are lowered. Likewise, if a student possesses 10 or 20 awards ranked between 1 and 5, then I would conjugate that they would stand a relatively good chance. Showing well-roundedness and general exemplary perfromance in several areas (academia, sport(s), music) can outweigh national recognition in a single area and average performance in others.

What about FBLA State Winners? What rank would that be?

getting published in Science, Nature, or PNAS should definitely be a ten

@yoyo… how does one get published? I see that alot here on CC…

Where would Rensselaer Medalist place on the list?

I think things like Bausch and Lomb, Rensselaer Medal, and other school-level awards cannot be placed past 2 or 3 on this list. Same with National Merit IMO.

I think history day should be 2 or 3 because of the lack of competitiveness

what would placing in nationals in forensics/debate be?
What about science olympiad 1st in state?

what is a top prestigious award available for international students?

Nobel prize.

International students: Medals or honorable mentions in any of the International Science Olympiads (IMO, IBO,IOI, etc).

So what place would Rensselaer medalist fall in about?

um, pretty sure USAMO’s way easier than RSI

Where would being a Co-Primary Investigator of a winning Student Spaceflight Experiments Team be?

Basically, I wrote a proposal for an experiment that launched on the final space shuttle. I’m scribing the journal & will probably write the majority of the results paper, which we’re trying to get published.

Where would being the Governor of a District be, which is being in charge of a couple of states worth of Key Clubs? And where is State AP Scholar?

lovenerds…not sure if it is ‘easier’ but there are so many fewer rsi-ers
aj: publishing a paper rankes very high…not very many high school kids do it
aj: i don’t think state ap scholar is super high…so many kids do it…

1 guy and 1 girl per year, per state, plus D.C. That’s 102 people, per year. I’d say that’s pretty selective…and not many people get in before Sr year (I’m aiming for it, taking 17 exams next year)

Where does being hired by and doing research at Fermilab fall into?

This list is ridiculous. Some people really need to find better things to do with their time…

JUST KIDDING this thread is actually really helpful !

Not really sure if this has already been posted, but would Siemens/Intel be approximately the same rank as publishing a science research paper?

Here is the most recent list from page 47.

10 - D1 athlete, IMO/IPHO/ICHO/IBO medals, Intel (top 10), Siemens National Winner/National Finalists, ISEF top 3 Grand Prize, Published in Nature or Science

9 - Siemens Westinghouse (finalists), MOP, Intel Finalist, NFL Nationals winner (speech and debate), RSI

8 - TASP, USPhO/USChO/USABO/USAMO/USACO national finalist (inclusive of USAMO qualification), Siemens Semi-finalists/ISEF(1-4 places), Intel semifinalist, Running your own <em>successful</em> business, AMC Perfect Score, Presidential Scholar, Davidson Fellow, Presidential Scholar of the Arts, Scholastic Art & Writing Portfolio Gold Award

7 - Selective summer programs or competitions, such as SSP, Clark Summer Program, YESS, NIH Research, and MITES. ARML top score, Scholastic Art & Writing National Silver or Gold Medal. NFL Nationals qualifier (speech and debate), Congressional Award Gold Medalist, YES Competition (Young Epidemiology Scholarship) Top 4.

6 - USPhO/USChO/USABO/USACO semifinalist, Science Olympiad National medals, Congressional Award Silver Medalist, Science Bowl/Ocean Science Bowl/NAQT winners

5 - National Latin Convention 1st Places Academic Contests, All-Eastern/all-regional music, National History Day winner, AIME, AMC 12 school winner

4- Perfect Score (Multiple Years) on National Latin Exam, or other languages, some state awards (all-state music, etc), Science Olympiad state medals (depending on what state you’re from), USAMTS Gold, National History Day, JETS TEAMS National Finalist or Regional winner, MUN Gavel

3 - All-County music, winning at local/regional science fairs, Eagle Scout, National Merit

2 - Bank of America Awards, most local awards/trophies (art, music, community - although they will say something about your character), Essay Contests, State History Day

1 - National Honor Society, Beta Club, School Departmental Awards, School Honor Roll, Key Club, CSF, Interact Club

0 - Who’s Who, National Honor Roll, National Society of High School Scholars