List of Top, Prestigious Awards

I didn’t have the patience to scroll through all 53 pages, but what would you guys say about published articles in scientific journals? I have published an article in Chemical Communications? Is that up there with the Intel/ISEF/Siemens?

You guys have to be kidding yourself to have put being an Eagle Scout as a 3/10. Colleges and employers love to accept Eagle Scouts (while of course, they do refuse many) because being an Eagle shows that you can work your butt off for 5-7 years towards a common goal, and not give up. And of course the leadership aspect of being an Eagle is simply unparalleled by any other award or honor that a high-schooler can receive. I don’t care if you were published in a journal or got a science award. That’s nice and all, but at the end of the day what does that show? you’re good at science. being an Eagle carries a ton more weight than most of the people on here give it credit for, there is much more well-roundedness and many more impressive character traits and incredible leadership skills and life experiences inherent in an Eagle Scout than can be bestowed by any other honor.

I give an Eagle Scout a 8 or 9 out of 10 (to be modest) :wink:

you must live in a different region or be in a much different troop! in our area it’s not a huge amount of work, the leaders don’t do much, and the eagle projects are a pain with paperwork etc but not as hard as a varsity sport or science fair or… anything really
I’m glad you are proud of your eagle though and that you think it is so worthwhile . to us, bsa is a mile wide and an inch deep but that’s just our experience . I still think its a 3

Calling it now… aargael is an Eagle Scout.

I feel like usabo semifinalist should be moved down, it’s pretty easy to get compared to other things on the list

Is NFL Nationals qualifier (speech and debate) really a 7?

How about the College Board Epidemiology competition?

Effective May 19, 2011, The Young Epidemiology Scholars (YES) Competition completed its eighth and final year. Please read the YES Closure Statement for more details.

What would US National Brain Bee Finalist (Top 5) fall under?

And what would FIRST Tech Challenge Robotics Regional Awards in major cities (e.g. Los Angeles) (Inspire, First Place Alliance Awards) and World Championships Qualifier status/awards fall under?

Helpful bump

^thanks babe <3

HSMCCP - The prestige of any team award, such as with FIRST robotics and other teams, varies by regional vs int’l, by type of award, by quality of mentoring available, and by the contribution of the student on his/her team. Student founders of an FRC team who run it like a small entrepreneurial business and lead it to technical success and awards have the qualities and experience (and time management skills!) which any college should find attractive and should earn an 8 or higher. (They often end up on the FIRST Dean’s List.) Other teammates should earn a 3-5 range of achievement on that scale. (Note, a few students on the larger FRC teams play only minor parts or don’t learn or contribute much.) In contrast, FTC teams can’t have more than ten students, so each teammate is more likely to contribute, but the challenge is easier and less time intense than for FRC. FTC is by no means easy and is more similar to JETS or a strong Science Olympiad effort. FIRST is one of the best after school opportunities available to teach college and career skills; however, you get what you put into it. Also, what one student has done or learned is not always recognized by a team award (but can and should be described in a college essay).

Hey guys, quick question. I’m in the ARML competition and my school is currently doing quite well (we’re in 4th…? 3rd…? something like that) after one contest. Does the ARML really make a difference, considering it is a team thing? i’m not saying i didn’t contribute, but i would assume that when a college looks at the ARML it is sort of assumed to be lesser because of the “everyone contributes” factor. (Just throwing it out there, i’m number 2 on my team, so i obviously contributed). I saw a while ago that it was ranked quite high, comparable to like Science Olympiad medals and stuff like that, and i was wondering if it really deserved that ranking and carries that ranking to colleges

This is a very good list, but what do you mean by “NIH Research”? If you mean the 8-week stipend-provided summer program for high school students, then I am very confused, since I don’t think it’s as hard to get in. I don’t think it deserves the same level as “USAMO Qualification”, for one.

10-nih rsi imo

This thread has been going for FIVE YEARS.

Still useful - though we haven’t come to any consensus.

What would a national qualifier in BPA, FBLA, or Deca rank as? What would placing in the top 6 of the national competition rank as for these activities?

Since many CC users are Questbridge finalists or Questbridge College Prep Scholars, how would these rank?