<p>What happened to the CGA threads? Hmm JM and PM must have hacked in here somehow...curious.</p>
<p>WOW Boss..where did it all go? .... Lost in cyber space?!</p>
<p>Some time ago, I noticed this happened on another forum..then later it was all there again. Weird!</p>
<p>When I clicked on "Coast Guard Academy-New London" at bottom of main CGA page next to box "New Thread", it took me to two pages of topics on Coast Guard Academy.</p>
<p>???? Strange. I swear I didn't do it. I thought about it once or twice but nope, it wasn't me. ;) There is something funky going on for sure. I can't seem to log out. It's holding me hostage. It looks like I've been on here for three days. Hopefully, the threads will pop back up. Would hate to see all the good information just go away forever.</p>
<p>Why would you want to log out of cc? I just don't understand. ;)</p>
<p>Happen to me too, time warp sent me to Jan 27th 2006. </p>
<p>Can I time warp forward? The next few months of Academy's applications and Law School applications. Plus LSAT and ACT/SAT II testing with 2 kids seniors this year coming up. Skipping a few months would be nice.</p>