live audition

<p>I've applied to a summer festival (Banff) and sent in a CD, but I could also audition live (though it would mean missing a day of school...). Is there a significant advantage in auditioning live?</p>

<p>I would ask them directly. Some programs only offer scholarships to students who have given a live audition.</p>

<p>Sometimes (this goes for colleges, and most everything, too) it shows more commitment if you go and audition live. I know there’s often financial restraints, but a live audition is also almost guaranteed to show you to your best abilities better than an audio recording can. There are so many things you can get from seeing someone perform live that you lack when you just hear a recording. I think if you can afford (financially) to go audition live, you definitely should. And missing a day for something you’re dedicated to is really no big deal in the long run (trust me: I and many other college students missed up to a week for college auditions, and in the end it pays off).</p>


<p>Do faculty member watching your live audition suppose to give you feedback/comments/critics or simply be quiet??? I mean is it there job to keep quiet the whole time and not leave you any hopes or compliments???</p>

<p>How do you know if they like you???</p>

<p>They tend to be quiet, and not discus your audition while you’re in the room. It’s usually not considered professional if they tell you your chances right there. The real world is not American Idol or Save the Last Dance.</p>

<p>I would imagine that the Banff live audition is a videotaping of your performance; the “judges” will probably not be there, but will see your tape. That may or may not be an advantage over a CD – depending on how hard you work on perfecting the CD vs. how well you perform in the videotaping, where you have less control over the product. This is just guessing though…</p>

<p>In our experience auditioning live always had better results than the same songs on a cd.</p>

<p>D hasn’t been in a position to audition for college, yet, but on our “scouting” trips, we’ve been told that live auditions give you your best chance odds.</p>

<p>It may be that live gives your best shot, but it is not the only way. There is a girl in one of the other studios with DD that was admitted from her CD/DVD. She lived in Alaska or Canada and the trip was just too far. So they do accept on those. She does have an amazing voice and that must have come through the CD/DVD.</p>