Hello everyone! Going into my senior year this is something I’ve been thinking about for a little while now. There are new resort style apartments being built in my college town right now and will be ready for occupancy in the Fall for the new school year! While I have been just commuting up to this point this year and has been fine. Having to get up early M/W/F and drive about 25 miles to and from those days. It’s just gotten a little exhausting to this point understandably. But not having as many expenses has been a pro. These new apartments would be about $415 a month if I get into one of those. A 12 month lease of course. So I’d have to pay for all of May, (the year is over after the first week) June and July after the school year ends anyway as well as August when classes wouldn’t start until the last Monday of that month this Fall. December can be considered a short month too with Christmas Break starting usually mid month.
I would likely have the same M/W/F like class schedule again as a Senior. I would rotate it a bit, a M/W/F week would be one week I’d stay in town Sunday night thru Wednesday afternoon then travel back home for a day Thursday and return Friday for classes. Then the next week I’d come Sunday night, go to Monday classes then travel home for an off day Tuesday then return Tuesday night and stay then till Friday afternoon. Just splitting the days off in two cities. (This is all just so that I’m available for work a little each week and weekends, as work events vary.)
So yeah I’m trying to decide if it’d be worth the costs or to just commute for a 2nd straight year. These new places have an outdoor pool, hot-tub, tanning beds, coffee bar, fitness areas, and study rooms as well! They are also fully furnished to add to that! They seem pretty sweet!
It also looks like I could have an 8:30am class in the Fall 2 days a week so that could be a factor.
What do you all think!?