Living on campus

<p>How many years of on-campus housing are guaranteed? </p>

<p>Thanks in advance</p>

<p>I believe it’s guaranteed for freshmen and sophomores, then lottery for juniors and seniors. My S will at attending in the fall – they have 100 more freshmen students coming in than they did the year before, and the most academic class in the school’s history according to orientation presentations. My guess is that many more students are going private with more public unis in CA being difficult for acceptance and registering for classes.</p>

<p>Wow, so how is the housing situation around campus? How easy/hard is it to find something relatively close by? This will be a big factor in my D’s decision</p>

<p>thanks in advance</p>

<p>S was told that some incoming freshmen may be put in triples instead of doubles. He signed up for a double and that’s what’ we’ve been billed for, so that didn’t happen to him as far as I can tell. Triples are cheaper but he said he only wanted one roommate and not two at first. </p>

<p>I have no idea about the housing situation outside of campus. The veterans to St. Mary’s will have to weigh in on this if they know. I expect that my S will be on campus his sophomore year too. His overnight in April was with an upperclassman and he was in a townhouse on campus with several roommates.</p>

<p>Sounds like the Frosh and Soph are still secure in the dorms, but the upperclassmen are going to be out of luck. This will make it a hard sell for my D. She wants to stay on campus as long as she can.</p>

<p>S has had no trouble getting housing on campus all 4 years. Feel free to contact me for details.</p>