LMU or Emerson or BU for Film?

Hi! I am a transfer student from Ithaca College (hate that school) and was just accepted into these three programs:

Loyola Marymount U- screenwriting ba
Emerson College- comedic writing bfa
Boston University- film and tv prod. bs

Which school should I choose? Initially my heart goes out to LMU because I love LA, but I am worried because outside of the film school it seems rather easy to get into and not as prestigious. I want to move to NYC after college and work in a writer’s room, reality tv, comedy, or nightlife. Which college will give me the best connections and which looks best for employers? Do employers in the industry know that LMU’s film school is good or do they judge you based on the school as a whole? Also- I want to double minor in animation and english or animation and music production so which school would be best for that? Any advice is greatly appreciated! Thank you so much!

Hi, my daughter is at LMU so I am biased. She loves it. The film school is reputable and yes, much harder to get into than the school in general. It is well regarded in LA (both the film school and otherwise). You won’t be able to beat the internships that you can get in the world capital of film and TV, and LMU is big on internships and local connections. Networking is super important in the industry so LMU/LA will give you that edge too (even though your goal destination is NYC…LA connections will hold weight in NYC). As for animation or music, again you’ll have lots of local internship opportunities, far more than anywhere else, but sorry I don’t know about LMUs music or english dept at all. You may know this, but in the entertainment industry, connections and experience far outweigh where your degree came from. Good luck!

thank you so much im going to la!