Loan grace period

<p>Anyone know how loan grace periods work with taking a semester off? My friend 's mother died in January, and she was depressed and going through a lot so she basically failed 3 classes spring semester. She's better, but needs to take the fall off to deal with things and get a living situation worked out, because she obviously can't do the mortgage payments/bills on the house so its all up in the air currently. </p>

<p>She has 15K in private loans though. And knows she has a 6mo grace period. So if she takes off Aug-Jan, but will definetly be enrolled in her local community college in spring, do you think the companies will simply subtract the months from her grace period, or make her pay them back when her 6mon are up regardless of her being in school or not. </p>

<p>Thanks for any advice/help. She got the loans from and they're helpers aren't really so helpful so she asked me to ask around some communities online.</p>