Long ride from Philly to Pitt - places to eat along the way?

<p>We just got back from Family Weekend and did the long unexciting drive from Pitt to Philly. We usually stop once to get gas and usually eat. Rest stops really don't offer very much in terms of food. Can anyone suggest any good places to eat along the Turnpike between Pitt and Philly? Thanks!</p>

<p>We like to pick up sandwiches and drinks before we leave and stick them in the cooler. That way we can eat anytime we feel like and aren't limited to what the turnpike has to offer. But I hope someone else does offer a suggestion!</p>

<p>i've gone from philly to pitt twice, once on a Greyhound and once on a "road trip" with two friends. Unfortunatley there aren't many great places to eat along the way because there is nothing around but farms and mountains and hills all along I-76. We stopped to eat at a rest stop and i think the best one out of all the ones along the way was the Blue Mountain Service stop. The food was decent for highway food.</p>

<p>Just putting this up again to see if anyone has any suggestions for any towns/places to step along the way where we might be able to get a quick bite at something other than a rest stop/chain restaurant in between Philly and Pittsburgh. It’s such a monotonous drive it would be nice to have a stop to look forward to to break it up.</p>

<p>You know Pennsylvania better than I do, but would the Lincoln Highway be of interest? It’s the old Interstate 30, and as far as I can see, it’s got quite a few interesting attractions. I don’t know how far a detour it would be for you, but I’m sure you can easily see if it’s doable.</p>

<p>[LHHC</a> - Lincoln Highway Roadside Museum](<a href=“http://www.lhhc.org/museum/index.asp]LHHC”>http://www.lhhc.org/museum/index.asp)</p>

<p>And there are lots of other sites, too, if you google “Lincoln Highway.”</p>