look at this high sch's college admission rate! shocking!

<a href=“http://www.rjc.edu.sg/USapps/colleges/rjc.htm[/url]”>http://www.rjc.edu.sg/USapps/colleges/rjc.htm</a>

and it’s not even in the US!


<p>I don't know if it is shocking but they sure get a lot of people into Michigan</p>

<p>Actually, nothing special here at all, especially for a private school. HYPS acceptances are all below the average for those school. Most of the other rates look to be about the school's averages. The women's college accepyances are way below average.</p>

<p>and possibly the school has the kids really target their application to likely accepts ... and limits the "reach" applications (idea thrown out on absolutely no info to support it)</p>

<p>I believe RJC is in itself a very selective highschool, and reputed for academic rigor. Consider it to be the Andover of Singapore.</p>

<p>They had a lot of people APPLYING to Michigan--113! I guess it is everyone's safety school.</p>

<p>I think that you really must put all of this into perspective since probably all of the students are applying as internationals and the international pool is an extremely competitive one.</p>

<p>I live in Singapore and never even heard of this school.......I go to the american school here.</p>

<p>bump :-)

<p>Yeah, I think I have to back up sybbie719 and disagree with kirmum. If the data is what I think it is, and it deals predominantly with international admissions, then this is clearly an extremely unusually high admissions rate. It is far far more difficult to get into a US undergrad program as an international student. What we should be doing is comparing the admissions rate of this school vs. the admissions rate of all international students, or at least, the admissions rate of all Singaporean private-school students.</p>

<p>Boomer: How can you not have heard of RJC? It is the single best school in Singapore (aside from the international ones, where of course UWCSEA is ;)). It's not private, it's public, but in Singapore the top public schools are streamed by O-Level (10th grade finals) results, so only the very best make it to the top JC's (11th and 12th grade). RJC is (narrowly) considered to be the best of the lot.</p>

<p>Raffles is the name of the world-renown hospital in Singapore as well (ie one of the world's best). So when an institution adopts such prestigious name I would assume the insitutiton (just like the hospital) is prestigious.</p>

<p>hehe, I guarantee you, this is no surprise for Raffles.</p>

<p>heh...i went to AC-JC....yay me!!!!!</p>

<p>"Actually, nothing special here at all, especially for a private school. HYPS acceptances are all below the average for those school. Most of the other rates look to be about the school's averages. The women's college accepyances are way below average."</p>

<p>the top schools have caps on internationals</p>

<p>look at this way, usually, MIT generally takes in 2 singaporeans from all schools each year</p>

<p>for the class of 2005, it took... 3</p>

<p>what would really shock you would be the entry rates to the elite UK universities (where they actually like full-paying internationals): oxbridge, LSE, etc</p>

<p>Raffles is quite strong...their students are very well-prepared for American higher education...many of their students are wealthy as well...because international students cannot qualify for need-based aid at <em>most</em> American colleges, they are cash cows of little risk - they are academically strong, bring an international perspective to campus, and can pay!</p>

<p>actually there are much better high school than that...average ivy acceptance is over 30%....</p>

<p>edit:in korea..</p>

<p>I believe Raffles pays for your education abroad as long as you promise to work in the Singapore government service for two years after you graduate college. Heck, I live on India and even I've heard of Raffles.</p>

<p>If you look carefully, this school is only special for its ability to get its grads into schools of engineering.</p>