<p>Rather intriguing i must say
did u adhere to a particular technique?
perhaps simplicism, i see traces of pointillism there....
fascinatingly mundane
u seem to be mimicking the characteristic idiosyncrasy of an 8-year-old....but with a few adult brushes in there, for instance the color of the sky and the trees is different, it clearly shows some adult traces in the baby background....
fascinating, prosaic, enthralling...;)</p>
<p>Does big boy need help using the potty now? </p>
<p>jp, I say put it in the Museum of Modern Art. It'll make more sense than half of the other pieces in it. lol seriously tho I just went to one of these and one picture was pure black and then there was also a pink plank resting against the wall. Brilliant! Luckily everything wasn't like that.</p>
<p>ps. Didn't feel like drawing people? Too risky...</p>