<p>:) I was hoping it would. </p>
<p>Whoooa. Impressive!</p>
<p>wow! (10 char)</p>
<p>thanks guys</p>
<p>how do you look at it without being an administrator with access to AP Central?</p>
<p>Make up an administrator account. That's what I did :P</p>
<p>Awesome portfolio, by the way :)</p>
<p>wow, good job. those look like they took forever</p>
<p>Nice. (10 char)</p>
<p>very nice!! I recognize your sn from Cornell. What are you studying there? Is it related to this work?</p>
<p>thanks. i'm studying landscape architecture. you could say it is related....</p>
<p>wow. woooh. dude im guessing you got a 5?</p>
<p>That's so cool that its on the website and your stuff is amazing.</p>
<p>holy freak. thats seriously a 5</p>
<p>yeah everything published is a 5</p>
<p>Your work is amazing. Congratulations</p>
<p>thanks a lot</p>
<p>I am so glad AP Studio Art on on CC. I always look for some threads with it but it never comes.</p>
<p>It gives me hope. I am in AP Studio Art 2D this year and loving it.</p>
<p>Congrats! :)</p>
<p>Jason, amazing work. Have you already been contacted by galleries about presenting your work?</p>