<p>I think I could be the minority when I say I want a bigger, larger state university. I'm looking for one that's heavy on great athletics- I'm hoping for a softball scholarship somewhere, but if I don't get one, it's alright for me. I'm still a sophomore, so I still have a while.</p>
<p>I'm looking for safeties/matches/reaches-</p>
<p>(here's what stats I have so far)
I'm female</p>
<p>Test Scores:
ACT: somewhere between 27-31
SAT: Have no idea</p>
<p>APs: (will have taken by the end of senior year)
US History
Calc AB
Possibly Chem</p>
<p>I know it really doesn't matter without the test scores, but it can't hurt</p>
2 yrs JV basketball (team won State this year, not going to play anymore due to injury)
3 yrs softball, 2 V (sat out soph- this year- due to injury)
2 yrs Drum Major for Marching Band
Very involved in Church Activities- elected leader for Community Service Group
Operation Snowball Staff Member</p>
<p>Not sure what GPA I'll graduate with, these past two years have been AWFUL for me. I believe at the moment it's 3.0 UW.</p>
<p>I feel a little embarressed, because everyone else is posting these amazing stats and mine aren't really all that good. Again, still a sophomore, but I think my stats could be better.</p>
<p>Hopefully, my major will be English or something in the science field- Biomed engineering is a possibilty. </p>
<p>Any help is greatly appreciated!</p>
<p>Get your GPA up! Go to your teachers for extra help if you need it. With a 27-31 ACT you should be pretty bright. Look at IU, U Mich (probably a big reach with your GPA), and Purdue for Biomed.</p>
<p>Would colleges give a small amount of sympathy if all those classes where enriched and I was involved in so many EC's? </p>
<p>I think Enriched at my school is the same as Honors, but I'm not sure. From fresh-senior yr, I will have taken all Enriched/AP classes. </p>
<p>Maybe their weighted differently, but on my transcript it's listed as 3.0.</p>
<p>Well, it helps to have a challenging curriculum and good EC's. Is there grade deflation at your school? If so, a high rank could ballance out a low GPA. You really need to get that GPA up, though. You might get a bit of a break if your grades have an upward trend.</p>
<p>Your GPA and test scores are fine for most big state schools. Some suggestions to look at: Indiana U, University of South Carolina, Bowling Green University in Ohio (has great English and creative writing programs), Northern Arizona State, Iowa State U, University of Iowa, University of Kansas, University of Oregon, Ohio State University, University of Colorado, Colorado State University, University of Wyoming, University of Montana, University of South Dakota, Clemson U, Florida State University, North Carolina State, Perdue, U of Mass. at Amherst, Penn State, U of Tennesee, U of Minnesota, Towson State, MIchigan State, and many others. Some of the above would even be safeties for you, some matches, a few reaches but well within reach. Bring your GPA up a bit and you'll have even more options. But there are many other big state universities out there where you would do just fine in admissions. I'd recommend you go over to the USnew.com site, click on "best colleges" and spring for the $15 bucks to order the premium version. Then, make a list of states you wouldn't mind living in for the next four years, and see what is available in each state. Good luck!</p>
<p>Try Illinois for engineering</p>
<p>try CAL/UCLA...both good and public and AWESOME</p>
<p>ASU or U of A are good for that</p>
<p>North Dakota State University just went Division I in softball as well as South Dakota State University, they will be looking for good softball players that want to go there on scholarship so definitely look into them. A lot of Big10 schools need good softball players as well.</p>
<p>You might want to keep in mind that generally the West Coast schools (UCLA, Cal, Arizona) who are generally the softball powerhouses, only take the BEST softball players so make sure you are awesome :)</p>
<p>I'd like to second Bowling Green State (I know several graduates who just loved the place) and Michigan State (big into athletics!). I don't know what the GPA requirements at either place are, though.</p>
<p>Don't be embarrassed about your profile. You sound great to me! I'd be proud if my son had accomplished as much when he gets to be your age. The world can't be filled with 4.0 GPA people, and I personally think these college discussion boards would be more interesting and vibrant if we attracted a wider range of college-going students.</p>
<p>Are your grades improving this year? As you are still a sophomore, I'd presume that the 3.0 is attributed more to your freshman grades. You have a lot of room to improve yet. You'd be happy to know that Michigan does not count your freshman year as they allow for the fact that some students may need time to adjust for transition to high school. I'm sure there are other State U's (UC for one) with the same policy.</p>
<p>I agree with hoedown that there is nothing to be embarrassed about your profile. You have certainly accomplished a lot as a sophmore.</p>
<p>most people on this board are crazy overachievers.......</p>
<p>i was REALLY surprised to see people's stats.....it shows what competitions u r against</p>
<p>Grades are continuing their downward slope. Next year, however, I will NOT let that happen. </p>
<p>One of my main reasons for being an English teacher is because the second my teachers stopped caring about teaching, I stopped caring about learning. Hence the lower grades. My goal is to try and put a stop to that if I decide to become a teacher.</p>
<p>The EC's I've listed are ones I will have completed by senior year. I'll only play two years of V softball (jr and sr year). I could've had three, but I sat out this year thanks, thanks to basketball. </p>
<p>But thanks for the recs, I'm really going to try harder in school to get into the college of my choice!</p>
<p>Median stats for Bowling Green U: 3.2 GPA, verbal sats 450-560, math 450-560. Very strong programs in English and creative writing (they have one of the oldest creative writing programs in the country), excellent education programs. Very sports oriented. Would be a definite match for you. (And a plus is, cost, even for out of state students is VERY reasonable.)</p>