Looking for a job/financial aid effects.

<p>I'll answer whatever questions I can to get to a simple number for possible income that wouldn't take away from what little I get from grants. I'm 25, so my parents income is no longer part of what qualifies me, I am however unemployed and already going to a community college.</p>

<p>I just want to know what I would be capable of earning monthly/yearly if anything so that I'm not living off of nothing but leftover grant money.</p>

<p>I’m guessing that you can earn up to:</p>

<p>1) Your Unmet Need;
2) Your Expected Earnings (summer earnings); plus
3) College Work Study included in your FA package.</p>

<p>before there will be an impact to your financial aid.</p>

<p>Ask your financial aid office. They should be able to give you a number.</p>