Looking for a reliable backpack or messenger bag

<p>I will need a bag that can carry a laptop(no more than 13'' and 5lbs), 3-4 school text books, notebooks, pens, pencils, etc. I was hoping to spend no more than $100.</p>

<p>A $10 backpack from Walmart has been reliably doing that for me for a couple years already.</p>

<p><a href=ā€œhttp://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-computers/1172059-what-best-carrying-case-college-student-13-macbook-pro.html[/url]ā€>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-computers/1172059-what-best-carrying-case-college-student-13-macbook-pro.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Thanks gojack, might have to look into something like a Timbuk2 or something</p>

<p>Sorry blue, I just bought a bag for a summer class and it is already falling apart. If Iā€™m gonna have to buy another, I would like for it to be of better quality.</p>

<p>mission workshop messenger bags are soo nice.</p>

<p>Swiss Gear! They are probably on the best bags money can buy!</p>