Been at this for a while and can’t seem to find a school I like. I shall give you my criteria and qualities ans hopefully you can help me.
I want to study Engineering (Computer/Electrical/Mechanical not sure yet)
1840 Sat on my second and last try 520 CR 680 M and 640
I’m an International student
yet to write TOEFL AND SAT II
My high school has an A Level curriculum and I Got an A in Math and Physics and a C in Chemistry this year but I know I can get predicted grades of at least A A and B
My list:
Purdue/Illinois at Urbana Champaign
University of Minnesota
Iowa State University
Virginia Tech
I need like 1 safety school and like 2 other schools where I have a good chance.
Location: Midwest (very important) including Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Virginia
Good financial aid where I will pay around 30k or less
Private University (not important). I’ve heard private unis have smaller classes, more international students and stuff. But this is not very important.
I really like private unis and wanna add some to the list but all I’ve seen cost like 55k+
Looking forward to replies 
I’d look into Marquette University which is a private university located in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I think you’d likely be accepted and it seems like they offer a bit of financial aid and scholarships. You might also be interested in University of Pittsburgh even though they are a public college, they have a great engineering program. Illinois Institute of Technology could be of interest as well. 97% of incoming students receive some form of financial aid whether it’s a scholarship or financial aid or both. Duquesne located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania is a private university which could be a safety and they give out lots of scholarships. Best of luck in your college process!
South Dakota Mines should be within your price limit.
hmm @Nattybow2015 I’ve looked into Marquette Uni and it looks good but apparently it’s not a good engineering (ranked 135 on us news) school and I hear its location is unsafe. I’ve into IIT and the reviews are bad, very bad U of Pittsburg looks interesting, will definately look into it more, Duquuesne Uni doesn’t seem like a place i would like to spend the next 4 years of my life. and @ucbalumnus not interested in applying in south dakota. thanks for the suggestion doe.
At this point, a Public safe school would do just fine but in addition to the criteria I stated in my original post, smaller class sizes, quite low student faculty ratio is what im looking for…
You seem to be drinking the rankings kool-aid. As long as an engineering program is ABET accredited it meets all the requirements and should essentially be equal to other engineering programs.
hmm @Erin’s Dad I don’t understand? sorry for my ignorance lol
ABET accreditation means the engineering program meets a standard. That is what matters in the US. All ABET accredited programs are seen as equal for engineering, though some employers may give extra credit for some specific colleges based on perceived rigor.
oh okay, thanks I guess Marquette would work as a safety