Looking for [electrical] Engineering colleges [3.68 GPA, 1380 SAT, VA resident, <$40k]

Hi I have a GPA of 3.68 and sat of 1380 with robotics and scouting as ec’s which enginering colleges should I consider.

would love a list of safety , reach and target schools

What field of engineering are you interested in?
What state do you live in?
What’s your budget?

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In addition to @DadOfJerseyGirl’s great questions, what hobbies do you have? Do you want a small, medium, or large school?

The answer is - lots - but in addition to budget and size - is there a geography or you are open? or not Open?

You can go as cheap as $20K with automerit at large publics and find a great outcome on the cheap or as expensive as $90K at privates or high end publics.

look at ABET accredited engineering programs. This sets a standard recognized by employers who view the vast majority of these programs as equivalents.

Your search should focus more on factors such as affordability, locale (urban/suburban/rural), distance from home, size of the college, type of students it tends to attract, and location. Location is a factor because many engineering programs recruit on-campus only in their region, although these days with zoom and the like it may be less important than it once was.

The key to your future isn’t going to be which engineering program you attend, it’s whether you are willing to do the hard work it takes to get good grades and whether you seek out internships. You are in the drivers seat here.


Budget, state of residency, what kind of engineering, other preferences?

Electrical eng in virginia . not sure what the usual fees are like .

I am more interested in internships and good placement. im ok with every thing else .

I am looking for something upto 40k not beyond

You need to look at your instate universities beyond VT and Virginia. They are both likely tough admits into engineering with a 3.68. I’d give you the whole list, but the ABET site isn’t responding right now.


I agree with @eyemgh, look at state schools in Florida and TX that have auto merit. Here in NC, UNC-Charlotte and Western Carolina should be looked at. Western Carolina has a great power concentration and places a lot of their graduates within utility companies that make above average salaries.

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Internships will depend on you and how much you hustle.

If you want $40K or less -

I would look at U of Alabama and U of Alabama Huntsville for smaller. At Bama, you get $26.5K off the $32K tuition - so you’re about $20K ish - UAH inexpensive too. Miss State will be inexpensive as well. LSU too. UNCC too.

Arizona State may come in about budget.

Delaware - maybe + SUNY Bing, Buffalo, Oswego. York College of PA.

Iowa State, Kansas State, KU, Missouri Science & Tech, Louisville, Miami Ohio in the midwest

CNU, GMU, VCU for in state. And close enough - WVU and Marshall.

Good luck.

Some people also have family members or neighbors who can put in a good word for a student for an internship. So…perhaps do you know any folks working in this field? That can help too.

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