<p>My son will be interviewing in a couple of weeks and he will need to tell the committee which UWC's he would like to attend (he has to rank them). They all look good for different reasons and he is having a hard time deciding.</p>
<p>If you know anything that would help his decision, please let us know!</p>
<p>There was someone who used to post on these boards who knows UWC more in-depth. I think her name is "naoka" or something similar. If you search under United World Colleges, you should find her name. Try to pm her. Good luck!</p>
<p>blairt -- it seems like many of the UWC's are in the middle of nowhere (except the ones in Hong Kong and Singapore -- but I don't think there is a nowhere in those countries).</p>
<p>Montezuma is so small that we will have to go to the nearest town to find a hotel to spend the night when he interviews!</p>
<p>Burb Parent --thanks! I had done a search and read several threads on the UWC, but not that one. The more info the better.</p>
<p>I just thought I would update this thread on the United World Colleges.</p>
<p>My oldest son was named a Davis Scholar and will be attending the Atlantic College in Wales beginning next fall. He will attend for two years and receive the IB diploma -- he is thrilled.</p>
<p>All students selected receive a full scholarship for tuition, room and board and financial aid is available to pay for plane fare and spending money if it is needed.</p>
<p>If anyone has any questions about the UWC's just ask.</p>
<p>Congrats to your son! Atlantic College is beautiful, and all the UWCs have wonderful programs. I'm sorry I didn't see this thread until just now but if your son wants to get in touch with a recent grad, PM me. We have two Atlantic grads on a scholarship program with which I am affiliated.</p>