<p>I believe that I am ready to start my applications, but I wanted to make sure that my list is strong, that Ill have options and there are no obvious omissions of schools that would be perfect for me.</p>
<p>The List:
Bryn Mawr
Hendrix (Safety)
U of Richmond
Ursinus (Safety)</p>
<p>About me:
White Female from PA
Intended Major: Mathematical Econ, or double major in Math & Econ, possible minor in Poli Sci
3.7 UW GPA in Top 10% at public hs
2100 SAT I, Taking SATII in Math and Chemistry
National Merit Semi-Finalist (Did better on PSAT than SAT)
5s on AP Stats, Physics B, Calc BC, Chem, Eng Lit, US G&P, 4 on AP French
Senior Classes: Calc II, Probability, AP Physics C, AP Eng Language, Writing Seminar, AP Econ, French 6
Good ECs, but nothing out-of-this-world
Will be 1st generation college student</p>
Strong Academics
Accessible Professors
Small Class Sizes
Generous FA
Good Quality of Life on Campus</p>
<p>Relative Preferences: (Not deal breakers)
Interdisciplinary Academics/Core Curriculum > Major-Intensive
Small > Large
Town > Suburban > Rural > Urban
Warm Climate > Cold Climate
Mountains > Beaches > Prairies
Relaxed Style > Overly Preppy
Playing Intramurals > Tailgating
Moderate > Liberal > Conservative</p>
<p>Please dont hold back. I havent had much guidance and Ive done all my own research, so I need to hear the good and bad about my list. Comments on the schools are welcome as well, the only ones I was able to physically visit so far are Bryn Mawr, Gettysburg, Swarthmore and Ursinus.</p>
<p>Thank you.</p>