Looking for some choices for a kind of average (CC standards lol) student

<p>By the end of my junior year, I'll probably have:</p>

<p>A 3.6 GPA with 2 AP classes
1800-2000 SAT score,
a few clubs and leadership positions</p>

<p>What I'm looking for in a school:</p>

<p>Division I athletics, IA for football
No LACs-too small for me
Located near a decent-sized city
Size-anywhere from 5000-30000 students</p>

<p>Can anyone help me out? I have a few ideas for schools (on my stats page, with some reaches lol), but I'd like some more suggestions. Thanks!</p>

<p>You are absolutely PERFECT for Fordham University-Rose Hill (Bronx main campus). Awesome school. Perfect size. Great athletics and Div1-A, plus Div 1-AA in football (Patriot League). Competitive academics but not hyper competitive. Superb location, Jesuit education and really good kids go there.</p>

<p>well I had the same criteria as you, D1A football, big city, about the same SAT score</p>

<p>Here are my suggestions:</p>

<p>University Of Pittsburgh
University Of Washington
University Of Tulsa (actually cracked the top 25 in football this year lol, small school that has very strong academics)</p>

<p>Interesting schools. I’m open to more suggestions!</p>

<p>BC maybe, U of Oregon, UTexas or UFlorida (but you might have to up the gpa, SATs).</p>

<p>But first of all don’t say will have. I always planned on getting a 2200 on the SATs. I ended up with a 1910 after taking it twice…turns out I wasn’t a very good test taker. I also thought I automatically would get an A in the class. I didn’t.</p>

<p>Luckily I got into my top choice ED, but lesson learned, things hardly ever go as planned.</p>

<p>Isn’t getting into UTexas tough for an out-of-state kid?</p>

<p>I’m being realistic about my stats, loweryoureyelids. I took the SATs in tenth grade and got an 1100/1600 1690/2400. With some work, I was getting around 1800 on practice tests. By the time I take my next SAT, I should have some decent preparation.</p>

<p>Thanks for the schools and info.</p>

<p>It may be a little small for your taste, but Wake Forest would be worth a look given your stats and criteria.</p>

<p>Perhaps NC State as a match and/or Wisconsin as a reach.</p>


<p>IB I think Wake Forest would be a reach for him…</p>



<p>UT is incredibly tough to get into as an OOS applicant. Even with a 3.6 GPA and ~2000 SAT, UT would still probably be a reach. 3.8 and ~2100 and I’d say you have a decent chance.</p>

<p>Also, while Florida isn’t quite as hard to get into OOS as UT, it’s still pretty hard to get into. </p>

<p>You probably shouldn’t look at either of those schools because they’re both very selective (for OOS), plus they are ginormous publics that far exceed your 5k-30k ideal student body size, with each school boasting ~50k students.</p>

<p>Actually, I think Wake Forest is a great school to look at for you. It is a high match, but definitely possible.</p>

<p>What about Syracuse?</p>

<p>Syracuse is definitely on my list already, though thanks, gadad.</p>

<p>Yeah, I’ve heard that flagship publics like UT-Austin and UF and stuff are hard to get into OOS, so I was little shocked to hear them recommended to me. </p>

<p>I’ll check out the other schools, but I feel that I’ll be limited in my selections in a major at Wake Forest.</p>