Looking forward to Watchmen coming out?

<p>Is anyone looking forward to the movie coming out this March? Any thoughts?</p>

<p>trailer seems good</p>

<p>Agreed. I did like the trailer…</p>

<p>Hell yea. everybody keeps saying how its the best comic/graphic novel so I’m curious</p>

<p>I CANNOT wait until this movie comes out. It’s going to be brilliant.</p>

<p>trailer looked awesome, looks like an amazing movie</p>

<p>on the other hand, it is directed by the same guy who directed 300, which IMO was not as good as everybody said it was</p>

<p>300 was pretty lame. The cinematography was great, but that was it.</p>

<p>It was so manly… full of action and no depth.</p>

<p>Bad news: Apparently FOX is fighting with Warner Bros. over the rights, etc. which means that it might not even be released this year. This makes me sad, as I was also looking forward to it.</p>

<p>God dammit!</p>

<p>The book was beast. I thought that FOX stuff got resolved a while ago. I think they get to keep a cut of the profit and warner bros gets production rights</p>