Looking to transfer next year, with bad hs record, which colleges do I have a shot at

<p>I had a terrible hs record, something like a 2.2gpa, and 1600 on the SATs on the new scale. I am currently at a state school as pre-med majoring in biology. Having done a fair bit of research I have concluded that If you dont have atleast a 3.7 and are in a good school ur shot at med school is basically nill. I am doing MUCH better in college than i was in hs, assuming I have a 3.7 or above in college, what schools would would I have a shot to transfering into that would look good for medical school also. Keep in mind, as soon as this semester is over I will be changing majors to political science from biology, so obviously i would need schools with a strong polisci program.
I hav been looking at top 25s, my top choices would be vanderbilt, notre dame, duke, and georgetown. But aside from top 25s what are other schools that are still 1st tier and hav good med school acceptance rates?</p>

<p>Thank you for your help</p>

Having done a fair bit of research I have concluded that If you dont have atleast a 3.7 and are in a good school ur shot at med school is basically nill.


<p>That's just wrong and you should be ashamed for thinking your research backs that up.</p>

<p>NO acually it is not just wrong, Look in up to date books, the average range is almost universally 3.6-4.0. I am right, you are wrong, I am looking at 3 different official medical school ranking books as i write this, I am backed up by research.</p>

<p><a href="http://www.aamc.org/data/facts/2006/2006mcatgpa.htm%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.aamc.org/data/facts/2006/2006mcatgpa.htm&lt;/a>
<a href="http://www.aamc.org/data/facts/2006/mcatgpabymaj1.htm%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.aamc.org/data/facts/2006/mcatgpabymaj1.htm&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>It looks like it's not</p>

<p>Average seems to be 3.5-3.6, with applicants having 3.3's as a low end.</p>

<p>Those stats are for APPLICANTS, not ACCEPTED STUDENTS, I could apply with a 1.0 to medschool if I really wanted to..... doesnt mean ill get in, but it does mean i would lower stats of accepted students, my books show ACCEPTED students.</p>

<p>actually I know two people that got into med school with a 3.5 and a 3.6 GPA respectively. If you go to the right undergraduate school that has a good graduate program, things become a lot easier .</p>

<p>i never said it didnt happen, i said its unlikely and the average was 3.7.........</p>

<p>i think you are a bit confused, you are going from a biology major to a polsci, and you want a school w/ a good polsci program? But yet, you want to go to med school too.</p>

<p>make up your mind :p</p>

<p>lmfao. this dude lives by his name. good luck, chum.</p>

<p>"i think you are a bit confused, you are going from a biology major to a polsci, and you want a school w/ a good polsci program? But yet, you want to go to med school too.</p>

<p>make up your mind "</p>

<p>I dont see what u arent understanding..... I want a school with a good polisci program cause thats wat my majors gonna be, i would assume you get that part, next step, I want to go to med school..... whats not to be understood their.....?</p>

<p>you can go to med school with any degree even if its not science related, if thats what u dont get.</p>

<p>Look at the admitted students.</p>

<p>I'd suggest you go to the pre-med forum for ideas on schools with good track records in med school admissions. These do not necessarily have to be top25 and LACs might be a wise category for you to consider as well. I don't have much expertise in this area, but I know there are significant differences in how schools handle how they choose which of their pre-meds to support in the med school app process.</p>

<p>hostile, why are you on this website asking about med schools. Plus it seems you are ill-informed because the school you go to does not matter getting in to med school. There are students admitted with 3.3's it is just rare. Get your facts straight and stop asking questions if you are going to debate every damn person who posts on here because frankly, it is very annyoing.</p>

<p>If you think that by going to a top university you will have a better chance you are wrong my friend. You have an equal opportunity getting into med school from your state school as you would a top private school. Get a good gpa and you will find yourself in med school.</p>

<p>"Plus it seems you are ill-informed because the school you go to does not matter getting in to med school."</p>

<p>"You have an equal opportunity getting into med school from your state school as you would a top private school."</p>

<p>LMFAO, i am seriously not kidding, I Fell out of my chair when I saw this post...... you are SO wrong with that that statement.</p>

<p>Question, if its an equal chance, than why are their not equal numbers of kids getting accepted with the same GPAs and basically same credentials?
Check this out if you dont believe me, this question has been asked and answered already
<a href="http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/showthread.php?p=4392948#post4392948%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/showthread.php?p=4392948#post4392948&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>sorry if the link didnt work</p>

<p>Hostile takeover sounds like that one guy you seem to have in almost every class who thinks he knows everything there is to know and debates with everyone no matter how trivial the subject just to prove how smart he thinks he is.</p>

<p>Again, if you expect to get any help here you should quit being such a child; not everyone is going to agree with you especially when you research something over a period of two days and think you know more than those that have been on these forums for years.</p>