Loomis new HoS

Loomis new HOS was announced half an hour ago. Zachary G. Lehman who has been serving at the Hill school for the past decade. Personally, I’m not too pleased about the choice. But who knows, maybe someone from Hill can testify against my preconceived notions.

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This will be our 2nd year at Hill and we are sad to see him go… what are your reservations?

diversity related things more than anything. I think I’m more so a bit disappointed that the entirety of our HoS search has been about diversity yet Zach (sorry im going to call him by his first name) is not POC/LGBTQIA/first gen etc. I have also heard a few words about how NPC the school atmosphere at hill is (sorry if this is anything u disagree with, just basef off of what I heard) and I have some reservations about how the new HoS appointment will have effects on LC’s school atmosphere especially since hate crimes have been a bigger issue the past year.

Also on a more lighthearted note I’m close to sheila and we went birdwatching and I doubt the new HoS is a big bird person :sob:

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Thank you for expressing your concerns. I can say that last year (and continuing this year ) there has been a very direct and concerted effort to drive changes and improve on this front with the full support of the HOS. I would also say, that while the HOS has a lot of influence on a school and it’s culture, there are other influences (school’s history, the board, donors, faculty etc.) My son has found him very approachable and he does not shy away from difficult issues or conversations. While I understand you envisioned someone different, give him a chance and I hope you find that he is open to new ideas and supportive of change. He drove a lot of good change at Hill while balancing it’s strong traditions which are important to many of the other influential groups.

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I also want to add, I don’t know how he feels about birds but his dog Rubin is the most popular faculty member on campus.

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I would ask a simple question: How much did Hill’s endowment increase under Lehman?

Other than that The Hill School’s “new visual identity” featuring a sun, mountain and shield was not exactly warmly received. I’m not sure if that was Lehman’s idea or not.

Still, Loomis is poised to be on a par with Hotchkiss, Andover and Exeter etc under Lehman’s direction.

Does anyone have any information on where Zach Lehman is going next year? This whole situation is just so odd. As a parent I’m partly relieved but also concerned at the chaos this sort of leaves the school with looking forward.

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Bro really gave talks and met up with everyone at the school, only to dip the moment he got a better offer :skull:


I think he got sued…. :sob::sob: @confusedaboutFA can back me up but iirc lville was pursuing action against him for “pushing” a kid at a sporting event. + the fact that he is already a very big burden on lc just due to the circumstances surrounding his career move makes sense why he would quit or leave this job. My only hope is what some alums have told me about the other final candidate they were considering (a lady who was an english studies person at princeton) reconsiders the offer. god knows we need to pivot more back into humanities + arts lol

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:sob::face_with_hand_over_mouth: good tbh I did not like him


Yeah that’s basically what the rumors going around at Lville are saying, too. I don’t know that much tbh, I wasn’t there and don’t really know the people involved so

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Agreed 100% but good lord the drama :upside_down_face:


eh same tbh. kind of half-slept through that presentation he did lol


i’m refraining from commenting but i’m sure you see who’s posts i’m liking :wink:


What happened? Is he not going to Loomis?

“Zack Lehman recently informed the Loomis Chaffee Board of Trustees that he has reconsidered his appointment as Loomis Chaffee’s next head of school and has decided to pursue a different opportunity.”


This was a very hyped new appointment as LC’s new HOS beginning June 2023.

Search committees having a tough time these days, whether at Middlesex, Andover, now LC. (PA HOS still there, just hasn’t been a smooth ride).

I know nothing about the situation at LC, but anyone who is qualified for this job has just had a front row seat to, if not a leading role in - wherever they are - the no-win game that was covid. Unhappy kids, unhappy parents, burnt-out faculty as every iteration of covid played out. Every school has been left with special challenges as a result. Wariness on all sides. Filling these roles will be hard!


when he yelled out for kravis i lost it… kinda said a lot about his focuses as a leader lol

also i had the chance to meet him and it was def interesting like— I remember someone asked him his approach on DEI and his answer was :grimacing::grimacing: also on athletics v arts