<p>So the LOST finale is tomorrow! Who else is excited???</p>
<p>ABC executives.</p>
<p>OMFGOMFGOMFGOMFG I’m so ready and so simultaneously not ready.</p>
<p>I, too, have mixed feelings; both of my favorite shows are ending (24 as well).</p>
<p>Don’t watch Lost but I heard that the seasons have continually declined in quality.</p>
<p>^ I don’t agree.</p>
<p>I thought the worst seasons were 2 and the first half of 3. This season hasn’t been that great either though.</p>
<p>This season would have been better if the fact that it was the last season had not been running through my mind (hightened expectations). The same will likely be the case for the finale.</p>
<p>My Lost-watching friends all claim that S1 is the best by far.</p>
<p>Oh my gosh i can’t wait!!! --squeals-- lol</p>
<p>could someone explain the whole story to me? i know a planed crashed and they were stuck on the island for like a year…</p>
<p>DarkUFO (don’t know if you guys know him) is posting major spoilers tomorrow. You guys might want to avoid the internet.</p>
<p>^Oh god no… that sucks. I’ll be tempted to look at them and not look at them at the same time. And I check DarkUFO pretty frequently.</p>
<p>Here’s how I think it’s gonna end:</p>
<p>Locke and Jack on the beach (the same beach where Jacob and the MIB were in)</p>
<p>Locke: You know how badly I want to kill you?
Jack: Yes
Locke: I’ll find a way to kill you one day
Jack: When you do, I’ll be right here.</p>
<p>[cut closing theme]</p>
<p>It’s something the writers would do… maybe.</p>
<p>What lies in the shadow of the statue?</p>
<p>Team Locke!</p>
<p>LOL: [23</a> Awesome Food Ideas For Your LOST Finale Party | Cracked.com](<a href=“http://www.cracked.com/blog/23-awesome-food-ideas-for-your-lost-finale-party/]23”>23 Awesome Food Ideas For Your LOST Finale Party | Cracked.com)</p>
<p>^LOL. We have to go Mac (& Cheese)</p>
<p>I AM SO EXCITED!!! YAY! Guys, come on here after it to discuss!</p>
<p>So today is the day…It starts in a little over three hours…
YAY LOST! It’s going to be like a 10 hour event with the recap, the end, JKL, and reading blogs after!
I like the idea about Locke and Jack sitting on the beach and talking. I think that would be a good ending.</p>