<p>ok hey whats up all? Heres the deal, im goin to be a senior in the fall and i am so up in the air about a bunch of schools,
....SO if u guys could give me some chances for each school (ie reach safety match) It would be much much apprepciated, thanks very much!</p>
<p>Some Quicky Stats~
Grades: 96- Freshmen
92- sophmore
96- junior
95 senior-projected like woah
Sat I: 2100
Sat II: 750,750, 750- writing, us history, and bio-> in that order
Ap tests: various 4's and 5's, overall 8 aps taken</p>
<p>EC's and essay and recommendations are all pretty dang fabulous, i mean the Ec's are average i would say</p>
<p>Ok, so the schools i am applying to are as follows, dundundun... ok *** was that, sry.
Here they are..
Boston University
Suny Albany
New York University
Suny Binghampton
Notre Dame
Manhattan University
St. Johns University</p>
<p>ok so thats it..i really appreciate the help guys, btw the way ive been lookin over this site recently and i have to say u guys are all so nice. well thanks again.</p>
<p>alrite, u have a 1400 and nice grades, and the only reach school you are appliyng to is cornell? Add some other reach schools to that list, btw schools like cornell....duke/penn/columbia are reaches for everyone that has below a 1500 whether those dukies or columbians say, it's a fact. Anyways, good luck, i think you have a great chance at all of them...if i were u, Cornell ED buddy...</p>
<p>Notre Dame and NYU also are reach schools.</p>
<p>You have a very nice list of schools. I'm of a different mind on reach schools: if this list represents the schools you like best, no need to add reach schools just for the sake of doing so. However, I agree with Northstarmom, Nortre Dame and NYU are also reachy so you have a solid well-rounded list of great schools. Good luck!</p>
Sat II: 750,750, 750- writing, us history, and bio-> in that order
Man, I seriously, seriously hope thats a joke. </p>
<p>Anyway I think NYU is probably more of a match, a slight reach at the most, and BU is like a match/safety so you're in good shape, Good luck. Anyway you have it better off than me, I have slightly better SATs (2210) with worse GPA (93UW) - wait your's is unweighted right? Anyway so yeah GPA is definitely more important than SATs so you're looking good!</p>
<p>You have a solid gpa and 1400 sats and a good list of schools.
Your safe with Suny Albany, Suny Binghampton, St John's University and Boston University. NYU and Notre Dame are match/slight reaches. The only reach you have on your list is Cornell which is even more like a match/reach. I presume if you apply to Cornell ED, your chances are good/fair. </p>
<p>I have never heard of Manhattan College, sorry can't help you there. </p>
<p>Good luck with everything, all will be well!</p>