Low GPA - Chance Me for CS @ OSU, Please

@momofsenior1 So, what do you use as the definition for a ‘match?’ I’m in Ohio, so a denial from OSU leaves me with the guaranteed option of entering a satellite campus and transferring in as a sophomore.

When you say that it’s match for me, do you mean >50%, less, etcetera? Also, we had an information seminar for it, today. I stayed after and asked relevant questions, and the person said that, in spite of my low GPA, I am a competitive applicant, in their opinion.

Yes, you have the guaranteed transfer option from a satellite campus. It’s a good option if you are OK with transferring!

@momofsenior1 So, again, what would you say that my % chances might be? I know, obviously, that these are somewhat inaccurate; however, I’ve asked on a few subreddits and had mostly intermediate or positive feedback. As you said, some people define ‘match schools’ as being those of certain percentages >50%, and others put them at 30-40%. Therefore, I’d really like to know what you think about it, more specifically.

For OSU, you will definitely get an offer for a satellite, but for main campus, I think it’s 50/50.

Send in your applications. There is no point guessing in having people guess. You WILL have acceptances somewhere!

@momofsenior1 Thanks for the response! I do hope that I get into one of my matches; still, there is a possibility that I won’t be so lucky. I don’t think that, though safeties can be good, I’ll apply to any. Honestly, I’d rather just go to one of the satellite campuses than try to go to Akron and transfer in. Therefore, it’s really just a question as per the schools which will offer me admission.

Oct. SAT was a 1500 :confused:

This time, it was a 790M and 710C/R

Will the strength of the math score help me for CSE?

I saw a comment that said not to disclose any disabilities you have, and I want to strongly advocate against that. You should 100% disclose that information (hopefully in a wonderfully written essay). It will help explain a lackluster GPA and give you an edge in diversity.

I am currently an OSU student with a disability and OSU in no way shames students with disabilities. In fact, Disability Services is phenomenal here. They offer amazing support and resources as have every professor I have had.

In my fairly uninformed opinion, aside from your GPA, your stats seem above average for OSU. I think there’s a very good chance you’ll get in.

@Posie15 I ended up putting some minor comments in the “additional information” section due to suggestions that writing an essay regarding it might come off as pity-seeking and, therefore, disingenuous. I definitely hope for them to understand how things like my anxiety disorder have made school very difficult for me, organization-wise; however, I’m not sure that that will come across during their review of my application.

@Jacell Thank you for responding! I certainly hope that my test scores and ECs are enough to overcome my GPA deficit; however, I am very worried, ATM. I submitted my app on the 31st, so I’ve yet to receive a decision.

As an addition, my ACT did not go through, for some reason. When I checked the site, it said that my OSU score send had failed due to a payment failure, so I had to send it about a week before the deadline. I messaged the OSU admission email and was told that it is not going to affect my application, likely. :frowning: Will this hurt my chances?

Because not many people tend to do these, I will tell you my actual results, thus far.

OSU - accepted
CMU - rejected
CWRU - unknown/may withdraw
Penn State - will withdraw
UConn - will withdraw


@BuckeyeMWDSG Thanks! Definitely takes a load off of my chest with regards to applying to safeties and whatnot. Now that I’ve gotten that one, I want to apply to some reaches. (OSU was my favorite ‘match’ school)

How does this list look?

U of M - College Park
etcetera, etcetera


@momofsenior1 Thanks!

Pull the common data set for each school in post 31 and see where you fit to determine if you think you have a good chance. I’d focus on schools where you are above the 75th percentile because some schools consider your major for admission and CS is usually pretty competitive.

Then run the npc at the schools left on your list to see if they are affordable. Ask your parents if they are willing to pay that amount if you are admitted. There is no sense wasting time applying for schools that you wouldn’t be able to attend because they are too expensive.

@BuckeyeMWDSG they are willing able to pay. Also, does my GPA weigh me down, too far? I suppose that my ECs may help, somewhat.

Also, I can’t really remain above the 75th percentile for any of them, given ranges that have upper bounds of 34 for the ACT. (my ACT and SAT are 33 and 1500, respectively)