Low SAT Score

Hello Everyone,
I was wondering under what circumstances would a person with a 1320 SAT score get into an elite college. I have meaningful ecs and a 4.45 W and 3.98 UW GPA at a liberal arts school in Phoenix. I was wondering if it’s worth it for me to apply to some elite colleges. I feel like everything else i have is good enough for an elite college except my SAT score. Any thoughts?

Beyond colleges that you might consider for their test optional policies (many for those applying for the fall of 2021, https://www.fairtest.org/university/optional) or test flexible policies (e.g., Hamilton in typical years), consider applying to schools for which your current score, even if it wouldn’t be necessary to report it, would match their profiles. Bates, for example, registers a 1280 25th percentile level for enrolled students who submitted scores.

Are you currently in high school or college and looking to transfer?

Someone I know got into Middlebury with a score like that. She took dual (college credit) course and had good ECs and is a great writer. Her GPA was OK but not stellar. Some schools want to see students challenge themselves more than see a high GPA.

I would for sure apply to some reach schools. Yes, absolutely. As long as you have match and safety schools, go for it!! You sound like a strong candidate for many very good schools. Many will be test optional, too, so your score might not matter so much in the end.

Good luck!

I’m currently in high school. I go to Arizona School for the Arts so a lot of kids end up going to LACs at my school

Note that arts as you have encountered the term likely refers to fine arts such as music, theatre and dance. Liberal arts includes these areas as well as areas of study such as mathematics, physical sciences, humanities and social sciences.