<p>i already posted this in the penn thread, but then i saw a whole area dedicated to just chances! (yeah, im kinda new around here) anyways, on to the fun part:</p>
<p>3.7 UW, no idea what the weighted is bc my school won't tell us but i've taken a crapload of Honors (10 or so) and APs (5 last year, 4 - stats, eng lit, BC calc, physics - this year)
2170 SAT (680 C, 800 M, 690 W), 35 ACT
790 Math II, 760 Bio, 730 Chem
5's on AB Calc and Bio, 4's on Chem, Eng Lang,
Ranked JUST outside top 5% of my 300+ person class (literally...im the first person outside of it. so top 5.2%).</p>
<p>decent leadership: 2 time editor for CSPA Gold Medal paper (including key part in launching of website), drum major of NE Champion marching band
lot of EC's: marching band, jazz band, school paper, crew (), track, tutor for Spanish honor society. (almost all of those are either 3 or 4 years)</p>
<p>NMSF, a few statewide journalism awards, AP w/ distinction (even though thats worth basically nothing)</p>
Penn (Wharton) ED (jerome fisher program ED as well. i have also talked to penn's Light Weight and Heavy Weight coaches about coxing for crew, both were receptive and LW coach later sent an email thanking me for applying and to keep them posted on decision. will that factor?)
UMich (Engineering, Ross Preadmit) EA
UC Berkeley
UT Austin EA
UIll-Urbana EA
Carnegie Mellon RD
UW Madison EA
Villanova EA
UConn EA
Harvard RD
(i applied to the business schools at these colleges unless that is not an option, for example UMich where Ross is a 3yr program)</p>
<p>Penn - reach
UMich - match
NYU - match
UC Berkeley - match
USC - match
UT Austin - in
UIll-Urbana - in
Carnegie Mellon - match
UW Madison - in
Villanova - match
UConn - in
Harvard - reach(for everyone)</p>
<p>mcfuggie: no idea. i wasn’t recruited, i just contacted the coaches and they invited me to walk on if i get accepted. but then one of them sent me an email thanking me for applying only a few days after i submitted my app and i hadn’t told them i applied yet or anything…so i dunno.
and jb5555: is 3.7 really abysmal? doubt it…and im pretty sure i’ll get into at least 1 of those schools considering a 3.7 would put me in/above the honors college averages.
and thanks to the others that posted, it helps with some of the schools that im not as familiar with.</p>
hahahaha golden. UVA is same as UVA, thanks ;)</p>
<p>Penn (Wharton) ED (jerome fisher program ED as well. i have also talked to penn’s Light Weight and Heavy Weight coaches about coxing for crew, both were receptive and LW coach later sent an email thanking me for applying and to keep them posted on decision. will that factor?) - Jerome definitely a reach, Wharton is a lower reach.
UMich (Engineering, Ross Preadmit) EA - Match
NYU RD - Match
UC Berkeley - Match
USC (CA) EA - Match
UT Austin EA - Match
UIll-Urbana EA - Match
Carnegie Mellon RD - Low Match (More SAT oriented)
UW Madison EA - Match
Villanova EA - Match
Harvard RD - High Reach</p>
<p>Penn - reach/ low reach with good essays
NYU RD - match/ low match
UC Berkeley - reach
USC (CA) EA - low Match
UT Austin EA - low match
UIll-Urbana EA - match
Carnegie Mellon RD - high match
UW Madison EA - pretty much a safety
Villanova EA -low match
UConn EA - in
Harvard RD - high reach</p>
<p>alamemom: i meant im sending in for scholarship consideration. my mistake. same goes for UT Austin. so its early, but you’re right, its not EA. </p>
<p>and thanks to touhou and polyosophy, i know you’re not admissions officers, but so far the consensus here is better than my own prognosis. means nothing but is reassuring!</p>
<p>Penn (Wharton) ED (jerome fisher program ED as well): NO
UMich (Engineering, Ross Preadmit) EA: YES
UC Berkeley: 50/50 can go either way
UT Austin EA: YES
UIll-Urbana EA
Carnegie Mellon RD: YES
UW Madison EA: YES
Villanova EA: YES
Harvard RD: NO</p>
<p>gracias saints… though as a colts fan, i am inclined to dislike you
and interestingly, my predictions actually go almost entirely with yours other than i think UMich will defer then deny (and that UCBerkeley will deny as well…OOS kills me).</p>