Lowest Accepted GPA/SAT Stories to UCB, UCLA, UCSD, UCD, UCI and UCSB

The C may hinder your chances @ UCB and UCLA. Not entirely out of the question I didn’y apply to UCSD so idk about that one but he others should be fine though. Got into UCSB, UCI, UCR, UCSC with one C in AP calc my junior year and made it up second semester by raising it.

How many Bs did you get in 10th and 11th grade, also what year were you admitted into these UCs?

And also what was your SAT or ACT score?

this thread seems slightly more realistic than the chance me posts here, so I guess I would like to ask what you guys think about my chances. I am currently a senior in high school, and have a 3.9 UW GPA. My W GPA is about 4.08. My main extracurricular is marching band, we were in last year’s rose parade (though I did not mention it), with some teacher aide service on the side (my goal is become an English teacher). My SAT score is 1710.

3.9 UW GPA
~4.1 W GPA
1710 SAT Score
Marching Band (Rose Parade)
Teacher’s Aide (career related)
Chamber Music Club Activities Director
Political History Club Historian

Got into UCSB, UCI and UCR wish a 4.1 GPA and an SAT score of 1640. It’s possible people!


I DID NOT GET A “C” IN AP BIO :slight_smile:

Hello everybody,
I am currently a junior and I wanted to know that if I get a C one semester in AP Biology (my counselor told me to take AP Bio, however I hate the subject) will it ruin my chance of getting into UCs (especially UCLA and UC Berkeley). My UC GPA is currently 4.0, and for my rank I am at 6%. I am taking 4 AP classes at this time and I have a feeling first semester of this year I will have two Bs (APUSH & AP Bio) (hopefully my 79.7 in AP Bio goes up in 3 weeks). Usually I have second semester in clutch because I know what is expected of me and what I need to rectify. My goal is to get into UC Berkeley, UCLA, UCI, UCD, UCSD, and UCSB. I have a lot of ECs so far (volunteer at local hospital, VP of a club, I’m in many clubs, and I also volunteer in small increments around the town). I will be taking the SAT and ACT, therefore sorry that I do not have scores for those available. But any hope will be greatly appreciated. I am really scared that I won’t get into one of those UCs.


UC GPA: 3.28
ACT: 30 Composite
ECs: Good
Recs: very good
Essay: Very personal, well written


@njclass2016 How did you submit recommendations for Davis?

Ahh I keep forgetting that the UCs don’t take recs. Sorry! That was my bad (I’m so used to posting my stats I forgot).

Got into UCI with a 3.91 gpa & 1400 on the sat. 410 in math, 530 in English & 460 on the writing. No ECs or clubs or sports. (although on the about you section after the personal statements I explained why I couldn’t be involved). I literally did my personal statements 2 days prior of the dead line bc applying to UCs was a last minute thing. Very surprised I got in but grateful.

I got into UCSD, UCSC, UCSB, & UCD(the only UCs I applied to) with a 1610 on the SAT. 2 sports, 5 clubs w/ leadership positions in 3, and community service. My unweighted GPA is 3.6 and weighted is 4.1. My class rank is 12/290. I really didn’t expect to get into UCSD & UCSB so I didn’t even bother applying to UCLA and UCB.

Got into Berkeley, Davis, Santa Barabara with 3.9 UC gpa and 2200 SAT :slight_smile:

I got into Davis for Biotechnology and San Diego for Pharmacological Chemistry (only ones I applied to) with a 1610 SAT and 4.14 UC GPA. They were my two reach schools :slight_smile:

I got accepted into UCD, UCSD, and UCLA for Mathematics major (Rejected by UCB and I only applied to 4 UCs).

SAT: 1650
Math: 730 <== probably why i got accepted for math major :?
W+R: 470 + 450

UW GPA: 3.93
W GPA: 4.2
HS ranking : 16/763
5 AP classes and 3 transferable courses at community college.
Essay: Talks about my small village in Vietnam, flooding experiences and my fob problems.
Have had part-time job since 9th grade, math tutor at tutoring center, volunteer at tutoring center, and president of an immigrant club at school. I don’t really have decent ECs since I have to work.

I’m an immigrant from Vietnam and have been living in the US for 6 years.
Both of my parents were farmers for 30+ years.

I think background is probably the biggest factor for my admission.

I got into UCB L & S with 3.7 GPA. 34 ACT. OOS.

Does anybody get in via admission by examination? My UC SCORE was 459 and I got shitcanned everywhere.

@ethellou You can’t get in via admission anymore. 459 isn’t even that high btw.

Isn’t the maximum UC score 300? http://admission.universityofcalifornia.edu/freshman/california-residents/admissions-index/

35 ACT and 800 math level 2 aren’t that high? Those scores are on the right end of the curve everywhere but Caltech. And if they’re not that high, why are the minimums so low?

And why does UC say you can if you can’t?