Lowest Accepted GPA/SAT Stories to UCB, UCLA, UCSD, UCD, UCI and UCSB

@ethellou: Are you a home schooler? Did you contact UC admissions and ask if they accept admission by examination? If so, what kind of situations do they allow admission by examination? Test scores are only part of the UC application review so there is no way to know if you were rejected due to other items lacking on your application. Did you meet the a-g course requirements since not all exams will cover all the a-g course requirements?

All I want to know is why they have it on the website if they don’t use it. Had I not seen http://admission.universityofcalifornia.edu/freshman/requirements/examination/

I wouldn’t have rolled the dice and pissed away 5 application fees.

@ethellou: Again I ask you, did you call UC admissions to check if this was acceptable? Did you use the tests as substitutes for required a-g courses? In what circumstances did you use the admission examination? There are only a few specific circumstances this can be used and you need to confirm with UC admissions if they are appropriate for your situation.

The link says nothing about these situations. Give it a read.

@ethellou: Even if the link states no specific situation, you should always call admissions and clarify the information.

The website states the following:
you may be considered for admission to UC if you earn high scores on the ACT with Writing or SAT and two SAT Subject Tests.

The operative word is “may be considered”. No where on the website does it state that it is guaranteed if you meet the requirements. Again you should always confirm information posted on the website since I am assuming this option is rarely used.

Yep. Thought that a good score may have gotten consideration. No such luck. Fishing around to see if there are folks who got in. If not, I’ll call them to ask why it’s there and vent a bit.

@ethellou What is your exact breakdown of your ACT scores? Remember the UCs do not super score. So unless your 35 is in a single sitting, it is meaningless.

Also, did you only take 1 SAT subject exam?

I am a rising senior and I want to know if my I would be good enough to get into UCLA, UCI, and UCSD

GPA Unweighted- 3.882
UC GPA-4.02 or 4.12 ( don’t remember)
SAT- 1710 ( taking new one in June)
Extra- NHS ( Executive Board)
Beta Club
JROTC (Leadership)
SYL ( city Leadership group)
SEI Internship
Track and Field
100+ volunteering hours
Freshmen Mentor
Various school Leadership events
AP- will have taken 7 by the time I graduate
Honors- 8+
State- CA Resident
Ethnicity- African American

I’m stressing out about this hahah, I apply in the fall and I just wanted to get other people’s views based on prior knowledge. I Have used a site called Cappex and based on the scattergram I have a good chance, however I don’t know how accurate it is.


35 one sitting. 459 UC score. Calculated many times

2 subject tests were part of the 459 UC score.

@ethellou Are you OOS or in state? What major did you apply for? What did you get on your two subject tests?

800 and 690. Arts and sciences everywhere. 459 UC score

hi guys, for the past couple months ive been really looking into UCSD, but nowhere near a 4.0gpa and was just wondering if you guys could shed some light on me for stressing about it, im a junior right now but
GPA UW- 3.7
GPA W-3.94
track sophomore, junior, and next year as a senior
National Honor Society junior/senior year (Active member, plus might be president for next year)
Key club freshman, junior, next year as senior(active member)
spanish honor society, sophomore, junior, and next year as senior (active member)
SAT- taken it next month
AP- will have taken 7 AP classes before I graduate
IB- they dont offer IB classes at my school

please help me out here, im stressing and UCSD is my dream school, thank you to whoever sees this and replies!

Honestly, you have to come back with your SAT.

Good luck. 35 ACT got nowhere.

Today a bombshell hit me.
Two hours ago I decided to check my application portal, and bam! Against the odds I’ve been admitted to UCSB as an Environmental Studies major. This comes as a surprise because I botched my last year because of a few tragedies that happened in my life/family, getting a D and a F (in Calc of course) along with other mediocre grades.
GPA: 3.4
AP: 3, didn’t pass one test.
SATS: 1760
ECs: virtually none
Volunteering: not much. There was a 50+ hour one that included environmental work tho
Essay: I wrote about how my role model inspired me to overcome my limitations. He was my grandpa, who despite being disabled, worked for NASA for 20 years and helped put the first man on the moon. IDK if it was convincing…
Others applied to (haven’t gotten word yet. I prefer UCLA, but I probably won’t get in): UCB, UCLA, and UCSD.

…While I can’t say I’m proud of myself, I’m relieved and prepared to make the most out of this miracle. :slight_smile:

Congrats Moonita!

3.04 UC GPA
1460 SAT

supplemental questionnaire from UCLA and UCSD

Yes, I know they are not acceptances. To be fair, I believe supplemental questionnaires give the indication of a borderline status. Also, I had to rush both supplemental questionnaires due to my personal circumstances. Let’s just say that the police came three times during this duration of the supplemental questionnaire distribution. It’s something. I didn’t really care though, I was forced to apply to UCs. I was depressed when I got denied from UCLA because of my mom, but after a discussion with her she said that she thought I wanted to go to UCLA because of it’s prestige (apparently at the UGrad level). We both talked, and we both actually wanted myself to go away and live on my own…at a college that isn’t too cutthroat. Also, personal circumstances push me to go far away as well.

ANYWAY, pretty much everyone at my school who had a 2000+ and a 4.0 got in to UCB or UCLA with ease. UCs are very stats based. Honestly, the holistic admissions is nearly a lie. There is no way they could see the applicants themselves through ECs with short descriptions and two essays that could have been written by adults. I know two people who are going to UCLA that had their parents/counselors write it. It makes me laugh. But it’s just undergraduate school, who tf cares. I just know one girl with a 1700 SAT, just 4 yr varsity cross country as her only EC, but she’s a valedictorian with a few APs. That’s really about it.

If you’re looking at this post, apply if it’s free, even if you think you don’t have a chance. I cried when I got the supplemental from UCSD and UCLA, they gave me attention. I’m definitely applying to those for grad school in Statistics. If it costs money, you just need to ask yourself if it’s worth the investment…$75 can get you something nice.

Good luck, if any of you have unique circumstances, PM me. I’ll help you. :slight_smile:


Good for you. 35 ACT did nothing for me.