Lowest Accepted GPA/SAT Stories to UCB, UCLA, UCSD, UCD, UCI and UCSB

<p>title says all guys! it’d be great if you could all post your relatively low GPA/SATs if you were accepted into the following schools. Just wanna give hope to people who will be applying in the future/have already applied for this year. :)</p>


<p>My friend with a 3.2 gpa,1300 (M+CR+W) SAT, and 21 ACT got into UCI with an AMAZING personal statement. It brought many to tears.</p>

<p>Oh, and I know of a URM with a 4.5 and 1400 SAT (M+CR+W) who got into UCLA.</p>

<p>Btw, just got a UCLA request for supplementary questionnaire today. Should I be disappointed? =/</p>

<p>Bump bump</p>

<p>Sent from my Desire HD using CC</p>

<p>I know someone who got accepted to every UC aside from LA with an 1800 and mediocre ECs. But to be fair, he did go to a fairly solid school, took the hardest classes available, and had a pretty good GPA. </p>

<p>I also know someone who scored in the mid 1700s and got into every UC. But she had spectacular ECs and a good GPA.</p>

<p>i had like a 3.4ish and a 2100 SAT I score and I got in every school except UC Davis lol. (Yes I know, I thought the admission officers were on something when I saw the acceptance letters)</p>

<p>@Shibykin Were you accepted while you lived in California, or were you in a different state? Also, was your 3.4 GPA weighted or unweighted? Which do most people refer to?
I live in NJ, so I fear that it’ll be harder to get admitted from here.</p>

<p>Me. UCI
GPA: 3.1 UC: 3.34
ACT: 35
Essays were kicking rad, talked about how sculpting and unicycling helped me to find myself.</p>

<p>People with 3.5s UW and low 2000s or high 1900s on the SAT got into UCLA/UCB during my grad year (2009).</p>

<p>Typically 1-3 APs. Lots of ECs for one girl, none for another. No engineering majors got in with those kind of stats. Majors they got in for… mass communications, other liberal art majors.</p>

<p>It really, really depends on what major you chose. Getting into Cal for comms/soc is very different from getting in for biomedical engineering or EECS.</p>

<p>Of course, its all holistic (or so they want us to think.) GPA seems to make up about 40% of the decision, test scores another 40%… last 20% are ECs and other factors.</p>

<p>Oh, but my school is pretty competitive. All the kids I was with in my last two years pretty much took all AP classes. Everyone went somewhere with a name that starts dinner conversations. The “lowest” tier college most people went to was UCSD, and even then they were accepted to “better” schools. They just liked the environment.</p>

<p>5% ivys, 20% ucb/ucla, 30% ucsd. the rest went to other well known schools (wustl,cmu etc)</p>

<p>In-state Friend got in to ALL UCs but Berkeley (eh, that WAS impossible for him) with an 2.98 UW (3.3 W), 2400 SAT, out-of-this-world Harvard-Esque ECs, and a personal statement that won the national essay award. Yeah, it can happen–he attends UCLA (Class of 2015) currently. </p>

<p>Why I didn’t apply? They hate OOS Bostonians :wink: (Though I really like Berkeley, I must admit.)</p>

<p>I just got into Santa Cruz and Santa Barbara with sat of 1730. But my essays were pretty strong.</p>

I wanna be like that girl you talked about
my SAT: 1780
I got in every UC’s so far and I am hoping for 2 more.</p>

<p>UCD Here
I got in with 3.67 Weighted GPA and 1390 SAT scores.
Essay was very unique.</p>

<p>Got into UCSB and UCSC with SAT of 1730 and 3.7 GPA. Lucky 7s.</p>

<p>I’m a transfer…2nd time applying …got rejected everywhere last year…I have transcripts that read like a comedy of errors…1 full year @ SBCC with like 45 attempted units…had a 0.16 GPA and a bunch of W’s…then transferred and over a span of 5 years upped it to a remarkable mid 1.0 GPA with double digit W’s…finally , stopped clowning around and put together a 3.6-7 over 70 units spanning the past 2 years…I sent in my transcripts without doing Academic Renewal because I was completely unaware of it and got rejected everywhere…This time, I found out about AR and reapplied and got into SDSU, UCSB, UCSC, UCR, SFSU, wait listed cal poly slo…waiting to hear from ucsd, ucla, ucd and uci…night and day to last year…</p>

<p>so do your AR and take chances on your personal statements. I decided to gamble and do one essay that was kinda serious but I really let loose on the other with the goal to get my admissions officer laughing and feeling my personality.</p>

<p>wanted to add that I switched majors the second time around…1st time applying I was not even close to finishing major pre reqs…this time around due to my switch in majors, I am on pace to be done with major pre reqs by spring…honestly, counselors need to stop pushing iget-c and focus on pre reqs</p>

<p>What up guys, you all seem to know your UC schools so i gonna put my stuff out there, my dream school UCSB…</p>

<p>I’m out of state but my high school ranks in the top 75 public high schools in the country.</p>

<p>I have a 3.4 UC gpa but that includes 2 APs and 4 honors classes</p>

<p>Lots of extra ciric stuff and really good recommendations </p>

<p>I’d appreciate any feedback based on all that stuff.</p>

<p>At my school, last year someone got accepted to UCSB with a 3.0 GPA and a 1400 SAT while someone lse got rejected from UCSB with a 2.9 GPA and a 2100 SAT.</p>