<p>Highest this year = 100
Lowest this year = *0</p>
<p><em>= I called my Geography teacher a 'Leftist Pig' and a 'Socialist Monkey' and several other names during one of our semi-weekly heated political discussions.
Last semester he had the audacity to enter a 0 into the computer for my semester grade. Just to </em>* me off I presume. It later got checked and my original 96 was put in and he was fired.
Kids... vote democrat/socialist when you grow up... and you may very well end up like Mr. van der Veldt.... UNEMPLOYED AND BROKEN!</p>
<p>The lowest grade I got Fresh-Junior year: A
The lowest grade I've gotten up until this semester: B
The lowest grade I've gotten this semester: F</p>
<p>Lowest this year-89.3%-English (The most subjective and annoying yet blissful subject on earth!)
Highest this year-100.0% Engineering 2 (Stupid BS class, not that I'm complaining!)</p>
<p>Highest Ever- 100.0% Photography, Engineering 1 and 2
Lowest Ever- B+ in English, Engineering 1, and Newspaper</p>