Loyola Business Dual-Degree

Hey everyone,

After having my meeting with my college counselor, she suggested Loyola Chicago for business. After looking at it, I really like it. However, I’m not sure how it is academically. I was looking at the BBA/MSA program. I’m going to post my stats and questions, and thanks!! (I’m a junior at a well recognized college prep school in the suburbs)

GPA: 3.7UW freshman, 89.5UW sophomore and junior year (hard sophomore year, personal reasons, big improvement from sophomore to junior, I also transferred after freshman year)
ACT: 32
AP Classes (Have taken or will take senior year): AP Euro, AP Stats, AP Econ, AP Gov
AP Tests (Have taken or will take): Euro,US History, Physics 1 and 2, Stats, Econ, Gov, Music Theory
-Piano-12yrs (played at a banquet at UIUC, churches, for school choir…)
-Cross country-3yrs
-Choir-3 years
-Community theatre-8yrs (acting, set construction, tech, crew)
-Set construction at school-2yrs
-Founded ski club
-200hrs community service
School Achivements:
-1st in my class freshman year (I transferred sophomore year)
-Second honors sophomore year (GPA above 85% for that semester)
-First honors junior year (GPA above 92%)
-NHS senior year

My counselor says that I have quite a story to tell that sets me apart from everyone.

-Does Loyola give academic scholarships?
-I know the honors program says that I can transfer into the honors program after first semester of freshman year. How easy is that transition? Would they (maybe) make an exception considering my above average ACT?
-Is the business campus at the Water Tower campus? If yes, then follow up questions: 1. Do people still live on the Lake Shore campus, or is there housing by the WT? 2. How is the commute from LS to WT?
-I drove through the LS campus on my way home. It seems like there is a real campus. How is the feel? I haven’t had a chance to visit yet.
-School spirit?
-Is the business school good? How’s job placement after graduation at the Big 4?

Anything would be appreciated. Thank you :slight_smile:
