Loyola v Marquette

<p>Hi I was wondering out of Loyola and Marquette which is the better school? Also I am looking to major in journalism and was wondering which one would offer more internships.</p>

<p>Marquette is ranked slightly higher in the us news rankings. I don’t know much about the journalism departments but I assume it would be easier in a mega city like Chicago. Bit there is also more competition in a town like Chicago. I also applied to both. And from what I can tell is that Marquette is much less diverse a very white preppy smu type of vibe which is fine if you into it which I am. If you like Marquette look ar depaul more similar to mu than loyola</p>

<p>I was reading these threads because my daughter may go to Loyola. However - and ironically - I went to Marquette a million years ago. The journalism school was considered one of their stronger majors then and was nationally known. I know nothing about Loyola’s journalism major, but I’ve not heard it mentioned as one of their top majors.</p>

<p>The journalism majors I knew who were lucky enough to get summer internships worked all over the country, especially at smaller newspapers. Remember, students from all over the country apply for the slots in Chicago. (Also, Chicago has a ton of colleges. Northwestern, notably, has always had a VERY strong journalism program.)</p>

<p>That said, I never knew anyone who did an internship during the school year,
which I understand is somewhat more common now. </p>

<p>Also, I disagree that Loyola is much more diverse than Marquette. A lot of Jesuit schools are pretty white bread, which is a reflection of middle-class Catholicism. Granted, there are more non-Catholics now at both schools, which helps mix things up a bit. Both schools have large contingents from the Chicago suburbs and both schools - being urban - have commuters.</p>

<p>(Okay I got curious and just looked it up. Loyola enrolled 1400 white-non-
Hispanic students out of 2000 freshmen last year, while Marquette enrolled 1500 out of 1900.)</p>

<p>I STRONGLY disagree that Marquette is similar to SMU. Whole different vibe there - VERY Greek. (Again with the irony: I used to live near SMU.) </p>

<p>Good luck with your decision - and stay warm!</p>

<p>Oh…and DePaul’s not that different from Loyola. It’s just in a nicer neighborhood. (Actually, nicer neighborhood than Marquette, too.) </p>

<p>But there’s no reason a Loyola student can’t live in Lincoln Park - or any north side neighborhood they like - when moving off campus.</p>


<p>Nah, no offense taken. It was just weird that I was reading this thread and had some specialized (yet ancient) knowledge about Marquette’s “J School.”</p>

<p>Good luck wherever you end up.</p>