Fordham vs. Loyola Chicago vs. Marquette

Where should I go?

I currently live in Chicago, and I’m heavily interested in media, marketing, and business. I feel lost about where to go. FU, LUC, and MU are my three options. I have an offer for about an equal amount of merit aid from all three, and I am wondering which one is best.

Also, I’m curious–is there is a big difference in the amount of academic rigor between, say, Fordham, and Loyola Chicago? I’ve read countless posts which describe Fordham’s intense academic rigor, but I don’t find many similar public observations with other Jesuit institutions, especially ones which rank lower (or even like Santa Clara, which ranks higher). I do appreciate a challenge, but I’d like to know my options… especially considering I may transfer out of these schools one day.

Thanks for your help.

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What do you want to major in? If engineering, Marquette is a better choice than Fordham. If you want theater, then Fordham Lincoln Center is a very good choice.

I think all the Jesuit schools have good academic rigor, but some have different specialties. BC and Georgetown are considered the best, but Holy Cross, the Loyolas, Fordham all have good reputations. A few of the Jesuit schools (Regis, Wheeling) have pharmacy, nursing, and other medical focused programs.

Per the OP: I’m heavily interested in media, marketing, and business.

Choose the best fit for you - including affordability.

Three solid names - for your majors, it’s not going to matter.

Agree about going to the best fit school that is affordable.

FWIW my S went to Fordham - Gabelli (had a great experience)-- he worked hard but found the grading to be fair overall.

Congrats on your acceptances.

Unsolicited advice: In general I think it is a terrible idea to start one college with the intent of transferring out. This will stand in the way of your making meaningful friendships, developing relationships with professors, and getting involved on campus. Then if your transfer doesn’t work out as planned you will be really stuck. I’d go to the college you enrolled in with the intent of staying all four years. It is fine to throw in a couple of transfer applications but don’t count on it working out.