
<p>Hello thar :P</p>

<p>whats the up?</p>



<p>any out of staterss here?</p>

<p>out of country count???</p>

<p>yess! we are in the same boat as non-calis</p>


<p>out of state!</p>

<p>just reporting in…</p>

<p>I’m sooo impatient for decisions!!! tooooo far away</p>

<p>ahhhh i totally agree! the end of march seems eons from now!</p>

<p>I know!!! and I dont even have school to distract me!!! which I should not be complaing about… but its sooo boring!</p>

<p>a word of advice: calling it “cali” is a red flag that you ARENT from california
(it’s not a bad thing, but just in case you want to blend in lol)</p>

<p>i’m from cali and i call it cali haha. so that is untrue!</p>

<p>international student here … cant wait for decisions . .</p>

<p>high 5! although kinda only semi international… not the point we are in basically the same boat!</p>

<p>I’m from out of state, too!
I am anxious for March to get here!</p>

<p>Repping Cali… March… this is the longest wait of my life : (</p>

<p>no its true</p>