M10 Freakout Thread 2016

Im pretty upset because so far, 2 out of 3 schools are going to notify me about the accepentance at 3:00 pm 3/10. It means a school day of tourture, not being able to find it out right in the morning…

All hail PST!

Hotchkiss notifies us at 6:30 in the morning. So if I wake up to my mother screaming, I guess I’ll know!

@Anonymousia To be completely honest, the Exonian’s humor section is what drove me to apply there in the first place (before I read more about the school itself or saw the campus).

Ok so I know its one week from today, but as time gets closer the less patient I’m feeling. I want to go to sleep and wake up and it be M10! And I have to do this again next year. :open_mouth: :-w Well time to immerse myself in work then read my bible and pray for the best regardless of what that may look like or feel like.

@KinestheticKT LOL - that’s exactly what I said last night - I just want to sleep through the next week and wake up on M10 and get it over with

I envy the folks who have already been through this … If I had a work deadline on M10, it would come in a blink of an eye … this on the other hand, like someone else said … the days are like molasses :frowning:

I know!!! this is one of the slowest weeks of my life :((

I am trying to concentrate on something else. But the schools make it difficult by keep sending me emails reminding how to check the result on M10.

Although, it was equally agitating in the days without any communication from the schools.

Andover is 5:00 pm EST, per note sent out today. I think that is the latest of the bunch. Please tell me I’m correct. . .

Groton is 6:00 EST

@itcannotbetrue You’re perfectly correct, other than the 5:00 pm time. It’s not EST, it’s called Andover time. Sheesh! [-X

I’m not sure if Groton is the latest but 6pm is later than 5pm right? sorry I must be misunderstanding the question

@zeebee619 You didn’t say if Groton is 6 am or 6 pm. Anyhow, I was just making a joke about the language used in the Andover announcement, where they referred to the time zone as Andover time instead of EST.

I thought 3:00 pm was bad… but 6:00 pm? That is just to make applicants struggle…

One does wonder. They are so coordinated on everything else, why not the same time? There is a span of 11.5 hr. Within TSAO

Wait until college admissions. Ivy League schools don’t release at the same time and then the server usually crashes at the scheduled time. :slight_smile:

My new countdown-to-M10-waking-hour is 4:45 AM. Maybe the all the red wine I am drinking in the evenings is interrupting my circadian rhythm.

nausea is setting in…

It really is hard to wait! I am struggling/obsessing here. My daughter is handling it better than me.