M10 Freakout Thread 2016

do you all have a back up plan ready in case things don’t work out? I really don’t want to have to go to my back up plan so I try not to think about it.

@Rathgar DC’s backup plan is set, will attend DS that offered very nice merit scholarship. Academics not nearly as strong as BS, but DC feels the love at DS although would be VERY disappointed with no BS acceptances on M10 (especially a specific 2-3). We try to focus on the notion that the HS experience will be what DC makes of it no matter where it will happen, and my spouse and I have been gearing ourselves up to be enthusiastic about the best option that is presented to DC.

We dont really think of it as a back up. We have always said (on purpose) that this would be wonderful and different opportunity but the current school is wonderful too. The benefit of not getting in is a lot more money to do other things with. We stay where we are and supplement other ways. Either way is fine. Certainly we are not naive–it will be disappointing but it is pretty intensive process so it hypes it so much.

And according to my friend in admissions, they are already done and have been for a week or so. But they have to wait for this 3/10 agreement.

DS and DH are the pillars of calm which only makes me more crazy. I can’t even bring up M10 at home which is why I’ve been living on CC for the last couple of weeks. I guess for DS, if he doesn’t get in, he gets to stay with his friends and for DH, he gets to keep more money in the bank. For me, it just means four years of fighting with school administrators and teachers to make sure DS is learning and not waning. One parent said some of us are considering BS because we’re lazy and in a way, it may be true … but I’m just so tired of the school saying “we’re here to make sure every child is learning” except what they mean is, “we’re here to make sure every failing child is learning and if you’re at the other spectrum, don’t be greedy and sit quietly in the corner.” I may get some intense feedback for this next sentence I’m about to write but I’ll just chance it and say it - when it comes to athletes, schools (at least our school) don’t have a problem singling them out and showcasing them proudly, but when it comes to a student who is academically distinguished, it’s bad form to showcase them for fear of making the other students feel bad about themselves and they start saying stuff like, talent comes in all forms, every student is gifted and the like … how many of these prized high school athletes play sports in college and even if they do, how many play in college and once they enter the work force? My friend’s son was a star athlete in high school (football) and even went to play in the Ivy League but now, three years after graduating from an Ivy League school, he’s back at home trying to decide what to do with his life and he no longer has a football team to play on and no coach to make him feel like a star …

Sorry about the rant … I think the stress of waiting for M10 is really taking a toll …

@CLNMOM Yes! Yes! And Yes! All of the above in regards to school, learning, showcasing, etc…it’s the same way here and it’s just not ok!

I totally agree!!!

As far as my back plan… Well I would keep going to the high school I am at. I love the people and I love my soccer team but I hate the education. It will be REALLY hard to leave my friends of 11 years but I REALLY want to go. :smiley:

CLN, you are so on point! So many people place a higher value on athletics than learning and a child actually being challenged! It is sad.

Fortunately, for DD, we have a bird in hand with a nice day school at which she already has some friends. However, the academics and opportunities are not even in the same league as the BS’ that we have applied to! No comparison. And because of her older brother, she is quite aware of this.

The backup plan hit home for me yesterday when I got an email about course selection for the public high school. I need to scramble to figure out how to do that, since my daughter is currently at a day school which ends in 8th grade and I am out of the loop on how to get her into honors courses at the LPS. Registration ends March 14 so I am thinking of waiting until M10 to see whether it is necessary to deal with that whole process!

My daughter has already done hers for our public school but it’s really just a rough list, at least in our district. There aren’t too many options as a freshman but we’ll probably ask for a review late spring if she doesn’t end up with other options.

On Tuesday, March 8, my son has to submit his selections for 9th grade at the LPS.

As a current public high school go-er I can say that in 9th grade there are only a few options, but as you get older, if you fight for it you can make some opportunities. For example, I have taken a few online courses that go at my pace so I can take a 3 or 4 semesters in a school year. I also got my guidance counselor to let me teach myself a math course over the summer so I could skip ahead. That being said, it is a hard and long fight to make opportunities. However, they are there. Although BS is an ideal first choice. Take it from me, you can make public school work if it is your back up and you are determined to! But let’s all hope for good news on M10!!!

Agreed @asdf789 there are some interesting electives available in our LPS. We will likely augment that with dual enrollment courses. My non BS applicant 9th grade son will probably forgo AP courses in areas that aren’t his emphasis (like history) and simply be done with the college equivalent during this coming summer and continue with gen eds every summer. If DD stays at our town’s school and wants to compete for a high class rank, she’ll need to take as many AP courses as possible, beginning in 9th grade where our town offers APUSH.

I found out 1 acceptance and though I am super excited because it feels good for my D to be accepted, it makes it worse because it’s like a taste of a great meal I can’t finish. I am so wanting to fast forward to next week and life is not a DVR. Deep sigh!

@KinestheticKT Congratulations and best wishes for more good news next week!

@GoatMama Thanks a bunch! My D was very happy! Asked about revisits and went right back focusing on her crazy schedule. Me… I’m looking through school information as if I will find something different. 8-|

Some schools have notified: Kimball Union is one.

DC and DH (not to mention sibs) are just totally sick of the subject after 18months of research, visits and planning. They have been worn down and hardly care. Like CLNMOM says, I need to come here to obsess quietly. I bet if you would ask them they might not even know that it is next Thursday, and they certainly do not know the time of day!

We have a day school acceptance and DC likes the school very much, as do we. It would be a lot easier all around, and DC would probably be a star; whereas at BS i think DC would be the middle of the pack.

Luckily we are going away for spring break so that is a distraction too.

Here’s to skiing over Spring Break/ON M10!

Skiing (or any from of distraction, really) sounds mighty fun right now.

Any TV show recommendations, anyone?