M10 Freakout Thread 2016

The increased utilization of the common apps has increased boarding school and college applications overall.

@GoatMama I didn’t know NMH released decisions on the 8th. Do you know how they notify? I applied there. Thanks!

Anyone applying to Exeter, or current students, does the student body still do this?


Never mind, I’m a complete idiot. -_- This is a humor article.

@asdf789 Use the link below to access your NMH applicant account:

This account will allow you to check the status of your NMH admission application. You can log in to your account using your email address. Decisions will be available online at 7 AM on March 8.

Two of the boarding schools (which aren’t talked about on this site) have already informed us. One by letter just a few days ago (accepted!!! but waiting to hear on FA) and one was released today (waitlisted). This has helped SOME with the anxious waiting for M10!!!

@junemaybees I read the article too and I also forgot it was in the humor section… I was like, whaaatt?!? after reading it and i was srsly confused until I realized… LOL >-)

@Goatmama – I just “liked” your thread on St. Paul’s. Really what I meant was >:P :-S :frowning: :)] >:P 8-| :-/

^ That’s hilarious!

GoatKid read the SPS article, remained conspicuously quiet about it, then said, “I’m pretty sure I didn’t get in, so tonight I’m gonna have fried chicken nuggets at Chick-Fil-A.”

Congratulations, @RuralAmerica ! It’s nice to see someone with some good news as of late.

And @GoatMama , don’t forget the ice cream!

@GoatMama I would be eating Chick fila too if there was one within 100 miles!!

Just an Exeter student looking at this thread to reminisce about my own M10 freak out. I’m also currently procrastinating doing an essay and studying for finals. Feel free to message me if any of y’all have questions by the way!

@Exeter1 Tell us about yourself as a candidate if you don’t mind. What made you a compelling applicant?

My D is so calm, cool and focusing on other things. So proud. Meanwhile I am 8-> [-O< X_X
I’m happy that we have March 8 with NMH. Yet we have some later dates than March 10th for other schools. I will say, as draining but educational as this process has been, the wait is strangely comforting because when the time comes, there is so much more to do regardless of the outcome. But I do hope to get ready for and excited about revisits!

It’s so hard to believe it’s already March. I don’t want M10 to come, but at the same time, I want nothing more…

The days are as slow as molasses. I think this should be a form of cruel and unusual torture.

About the common app referenced earlier by @Center, we certainly thought why not apply to a few more schools, not much more work to do that, right? Yikes, DC got into way more than was bargained for to get all the essays and supplemental information submitted. And yet the common app did get DC to look at a broader range of schools which may prove to be the make it or break it move come M10. Time will only tell.

We are in at the (semi) local magnet school, parochial HS, and smaller competitive day school! If M10 fails us, at least we have some options. Although DD is still rooting for BS. . . . Sigh.

one more week - I am hoping the schools send the e-mails at midnight next week - some of the schools I applied to didn’t say an exact time.