M10 Freakout Thread 2016

@minimalist I’m looking for a really long TV show that I can watch that will monopolize my time, rather than thinking about M10. I’ve just been rewatching Sherlock, but try Parks and Recreation or Grey’s Anatomy-- something with a lot of seasons.

@6teenSearch @itcannotbetrue … We all need a break and are leaving on March 10! Either way, the relaxation and distraction (although the I think we will know DC fate before we fly out) will be good for everyone …


Check out House of Cards if you haven’t already. It is not for everyone but if you enjoy politics it’s truly a great show.

“Friends” ftw!! I just started a few days ago and its AWESOME… :smiley: Or Criminal Minds/Supernatural to help you pull that allnighter on m9… 8-X

@junemaybees Ah, Sherlock. The Season 2 finale devastated me. And I’ve watched Parks and Rec (funniest show I’ve watched in a while!), but not Grey’s Anatomy. I heard a lot of characters die in the show, though…

@Anonymousia You seem to be binge-watching really long shows :wink:

I’ve actually binge-watched Supernatural this past summer. I finished it in approximately two weeks and was one of the worst decisions I’ve ever made.

What’s your favorite TV show as of now?

I actually tried yoga yesterday for the first time. Getting desperate in the last days … even work is unusually not stressful these past few weeks (or is it by comparison)?

Our current guilty pleasure.

Does anyone know when Exeter releases their decisions, and if we go into the first user/name password site or the second that showed our status? I hope I am remembering their process correctly.

Also, do schools state your FA reward (if any, lol) with the acceptance note in their portal?

Thanks and Namaste!

Their letter said that decisions will be emailed: “On March 10th you will receive your admission decision via email at this address. We anticipate decisions being sent out no later than 8am EST on March 10th.”

Thanks, @GoatMama! LOL, one less password to look-up. I better go back and make sure it is my email and not DD’s.

Thanks, @GoatMama! LOL, one less password to look-up. I better go back and make sure it is my email and not DD’s.

Kent School Online Decision release time anyone? I have just finished going through all the emails (again) and making sure we know exactly how and when to log-in for M10. No email from them as of yet.

Yes. This is how I spend my Sunday mornings these days. Thx to anyone out there who knows.

My wife will be in a yoga meditation retreat from Wednesday. Daughter will be focusing on classes, and especially Physics mid term that will end 8:30PM M10. I was asked to txt them for any good news only.

I have everything lined up except for Pomfret and Portsmouth Abbey. Haas anyone received correspondence from them before I make a fool of myself by calling AO tomorrow?

Stargirl’s spreadsheet says that Pomfret posts decisions online at 12:01am on M10.

@GoatMama I read that but also searched their web site and there was no info. Also no info on revisit days. The info was posted from last year, but not this year. PA had nothing listed either, so I was just hoping someone had received an email we might not have gotten.

@VACAlover I hear you. I was just sharing the little I know. A few schools seem not to have communicated to current applicants how they will inform them about decisions. I’m hoping to find out about Taft as well.

Re-asking this here because the M10 thread is active and friendly and I’m super curious:

Is it possible to switch entry grades if already admitted to a boarding school? Looking at the course material for schools like PEA/PA, Hotchkiss, Choate, etc. I realize that I might benefit more from entering as a freshman, rather than a sophomore.

(especially since new lowers at Exeter don’t get that pass/fail deal in the fall like preps)

Seeing I applied as a rising tenth grader, not a repeat ninth-grader, is it even worthwhile to ask if I could join the class of 2020 instead? Has anyone done that before with success?

@junemaybees , as you get advice from other people on this forum (I don’t know too much about the individual schools and what they do in a situation like this), I suggest you email the schools and ask them this after March 10. Each school might approach this issue differently.