M10 Freakout Thread 2016

Sorry if this has already been asked but does anyone know what time Taft will announce their decisions?

@asdf789 Based on Stargirl’s spreadsheet, it’s at 1 AM, presumably EST.

@junemaybees . highly unlikely but you can certainly ask, keep in mind that it usually a little bit easier to get in as a 10th grader and 9th grade will be oversubscribed as it is.

Every day closer to M10 feels just slightly longer than the previous day!


10th grade is certainly not easier than 9th. If anything, applying for a 10th grade slot is going to be more competitive since there are so few.

Well maybe it is school to school. Reviewing stats for various schools it seemed to us that the acceptance percentage to be a little better with 10th grade.

@RuralAmerica anyone remember the movie Groundhog Day?

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! YES!

FYI if anyone is interested, looked back at the fab Stargirl s/s and Kent is a M9 5:00 notification.

@RuralAmerica That what it feels like to me!!!

@Center Now that you put it that way…oh goodness yes it does! Wake up…look at CC, check email for acceptance times/info, look at schools websites, repeat!

Wow I’m getting so impatient! I even watched an episode of Zoey 101 this weekend :))

Did you know that Jamie Lynn Spears, or Zoey, was Britney Spears’ sister? I sure didn’t until I looked her up on Wikipedia…

I see in the other threads that families are being contacted by AOs about boarding/day, FA, etc. We’ve had zero contact other than mass emails and mass mailings. Am I correct to assume that the majority of applicants won’t hear a peep until M10 and that’s normal and not indicative of any one type of decision? I keep coming back to CC thinking I’ll find some clue about what M10 might have in store for us … I know it’s ridiculous but is it?

@CLNMOM I think it is normal to hear nothing until M10. DD applied to 7 schools last cycle and we didn’t hear a peep from anyone until decisions on M10. She was accepted to 6 schools and waitlisted at 1 so in our case no news was good news! Good luck and hang in there, just a few more days…

M10 came to me last night. It was so real that I thought it was real even after waking up, until things in the real world seem strange and would only make sense if the M10 I had last night was just a dream.

In the dream M10, one of many schools that accepted dd installed a large banner on its driveway, which was covered in flower petals, welcoming her specifically. After a few minutes since waking up, I figured that was a little bit too much to be real.

hi all, I am not able to concentrate much - I am so stressed about not getting in - the schools I am looking at are not the big ones most of you are looking for but I feel like there is still as much competition for these smaller schools -

I keep wondering whether college admissions are this hard. Or by the time our kids are ready for college, we would have all gotten a little bit older and less crazy, perhaps? My DH is an older parent and it seems he is much calmer and sane - unlike me the control-freak that I am. We’re sitting on one wait list - in a way, the hardest to accept for someone like me. DH says we should be lucky it wasn’t a rejection but what if all responses on M10 are wait lists??? I need to breathe …

Love your dream, SculptorDad!