M10 Freakout Thread 2016

2 days and 5 hours until the first decision comes in - Miss Porters M9 8PM EST.

I believe we have a few waitlists coming our way due to aid request this year.

Anyone else getting contacted about nothing in particular? I think most of them know already…

no, i didnt get contacted about any school i am applying to a lot of the HADES and GLADCHEMMS schools, i think they’ll waiting for march 10 to roll around to say anything ugh!! im so nervous, and im going to find out while im in school lol im going to be on my laptop “doing my work” haha

I have heard nothing from any school - I guess that is bad?

We got a call today. It’s an acceptance.

Congrats, so happy for you!! How do you know? Did they just tell you? @GoatMama

Yeah, @GoatMama! Congratulations!

Yes, because it’s for a scholarship that involves an additional interview. Thank you!

Congratulations @GoatMama and sorry guys for just coming onto this thread, I’m just rlly nervous!!

Congratulation! @GoatMama

Congrats GoatMama! Wonderful news!
We haven’t heard anything from any schools. Just have to bite my nails until Thursday…

did anyone here apply to Lawrenceville? do they send you their videos?

Thank you! Good luck to all, @SculptorDad @mass2020mom @itcannotbetrue @asdf789 @coolkb, and everyone else expending nervous energy around here. You only realize how stressed you’ve been once the first acceptance comes through. The relief is literally physical.

GoatMama, I’m so happy for you! Is it BS or DS?

I regret doing this but I went on the 2015 thread that show the results on M10 and as expected, there appears to be no rhyme or reason for the decisions. Some kids received acceptances from highly selective schools while being rejected by lesser know schools. One piece missing from the otherwise comprehensive list is whether the student applied for FA or was FP. Some students reported receiving FA but most did not say either way. Is there another 2015 thread that may have that information that someone can share? Thank you in advance (smile).


@ CLNMOM, there were two threads last year: One with more thorough stats (including FA v. FP), and one that was just acceptances. Oh, if I weren’t such a mess I would dig it up for you. . . Honestly it’s the last thing I want to look at–to your point, no rhyme or reason at all.

I think this is the thread. http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/prep-school-admissions/1748071-2015-official-prep-school-decisions-and-applicant-stats.html

Thanks, GoatMama. Is that the school your DC will attend or are you still waiting on other decisions on M10? It must be nice to be sitting on an acceptance …

I am interested in knowing if most of the schools’ digital acceptances do or do not include FA awards, or if those come in the mail? We only have one overlapping school from last year’s cycle for my son. Maybe I should ask elsewhere, as I think I might be the “Veteran” on this thread, ha ha!

Just goes to show you that it doesn’t get any easier. . .