M10 Freakout Thread 2016

I also read through the freak out thread from last year that went right through the night into M10 and there were lots of disappointed kids posting. For every acceptance there were 5 or 10 rejections or waitlists. Which is probably accurate when you consider the percentage of offers.

@MAandMEmom, yep. That’s the one I am referring to. ARGGH, I clicked on it. . .

@MAandMEmom and @ CLNMOM --do you have a DD or DS applying and for which grade? Apologies for perhaps not catching it earlier.

Woo hoo @GoatMama ! Happy for your family.

Oops, @CLNMOM I really need to get off this thread!

Woohoo @GoatMama .

My DD Is in 8th and applying to seven schools. Definitely applied for FA so not sure where we’ll end up. She is a great student, not 99%, but very mature and interviews well. I guess you would consider her an impact athlete and would contribute as a first year student. She plays a string instrument and has a unique background that may be interesting, or not! I would be happy to say in a PM but not in the public board.

I have a DD, too. NOT an impact athlete, but otherwise sounds similar to yours *(sax).

did anyone apply to Lawrenceville?

MAandMEmom, thank you for posting the link. I just scrolled through and it is scary how many super talented students were rejected or waitlisted … I’m feeling really naive and foolish right now … (sigh). Itcannotbetrue, DS is applying for 9th grade.

If DS gets any acceptances, it will be by the grace of God - he’s done everything a 13 year old boy can be expected to do … if it takes more, I guess we have to accept the fact that he will travel down a different road.

Feeling bipolar … one minute hopeful, next completely hopeless … someone tell me this is temporary and normal between now and M10. This too shall pass …

@CLNMOM you and I’m sure DS did all that you could do. That’s the way I feel as well. What will be will be. I did not grow up with the good fortune of attending a school like one of these (in fact the opposite and quite poor) and I turned out just fine and so will our kiddos in which ever path they may take. I read a lot here before talking to my DD and hubby about this path and the uncertainty so we knew from the get go it was going to be an uphill battle.

When reading through old threads where many very high-scoring kids posts their disappointing news, don’t forget that they are likely looking for multi-dimensional students. The laser-focused academic student *may not be as well-rounded as they seek to add to their diverse community. Who knows?? None of us for certain.

I applied to Lawrenceville @Rathgar !!!

I can’t believe NMH will release their results tomorrow morning. I am SOO nervous!

@GoatMama CONGRATS! SO exciting!

@asdf789 do you get the videos as well? We are trying to figure out if that means anything

@GoatMama, Congratulations to your DC! When is the interview?

@Rathgar I do, from what I can tell they are just promotional videos. I don’t think we should read into them

@ CLNMOM --Yes, that on and off again feeling is totally normal. Worse the second time around, IMO. :-L

Everyone gets the videos, sorry!

hi @coolkb ! I applied to some gladchemms too… I can’t believe its almost two more days!! But my plan is to wait until after school (around 3 or 4) to check all of my decisions so that if its bad news it doesn’t affect my mood during school :-SS But then again, I’m gonna be very very very very nervous and jumpy during m10 at school ~O)