M10 Freakout Thread 2016

@CLNMOM yep right track. I think for the top schools the kids generally have over 95 on SSAT and an authentic hook: minority, big bucks, athlete, unusual talent or EC and legacy. If there are others they are unique to an individual. I agree, geography does help too. Being an ORM from New England is probably one of the tougher pools. Lastly, being full pay is a huge advantage.

@CLNMOM , there are some academic hooks, like being a member of the A Better Chance organization, a CTY SET member, a Jack Kent Cooke Scholar, or a Caroline D. Bradley Scholar.

I’ll consider setting up a BS applicant shantytown in my backyard for those needing the underrepresented state hook next year. I may never have to worry about tuition payments ever again.

Ahhhhh, congrats @GoatMama! I’m so happy for you both! <3

Center, you seem very wise and in the know - will Trump get the nomination? Just kidding. Thanks for your reply … being new to all this, I really didn’t know what you all were talking about when referencing “the hook”. I just pieced it together from reading the posts. I also didn’t know the “Yield rate” factor. I’m afraid DS disclosed too much about the other schools and I was naively too honest in our parent statement. I thought if they want him, they want him regardless of who else may want him - but now I see from the prior discussions, our transparency on this subject maybe be detrimental on M10.

@minimalist I’m an ABC kid and I’ve been in CTY SET for a few years, but I still got waitlisted from everywhere last year. :frowning: Sometimes you really have to be the kid they need.

@CLNMOM what do you mean your son disclosed too much about other schools? I must say, as a brutally frank person generally, that you and your child are who you are and whatever happens may be what in fact should happen (I know I know …faux philosophical mumbo jumbo) I am hoping that the schools you like will want your son and your family by extension maybe in part due to your candor. These schools get dozens of applicants that are savvy with huge resources behind them. Many of these kids have romanced and massaged and orchestrated everything. They have reams of activities and recs and its just all too perfect. Maybe just maybe being who he is will be the way for him in this strange journey.

Congratulations, @GoatMama and fam!

Awesome news @GoatMama!!

Thanks for your encouraging words, Center. I hope they will see it that way too. Each school asked what other schools he is applying to and why and he told them he thought all are fine institutions that will give him way more opportunities than his current school and that he’d be happy at any of them. Basically, he failed to convey which is his first choice during the interview. Maybe not fatal, we’ll see …

@GoatMama Do you mind me asking what state you live in? I’m pretty certain we’re in an URS as well! Hoping that it might help our chances!

@RuralAmerica I’ve PM-ed you.

@CLNMOM in my opinion not remotely fatal, not at all. He’s a Kid. If he had said to each school, you are my first choice, I think it would have seemed contrived. He appeared thoughtful and, legitimately perhaps, undecided. How could he be at that point?

I second @Center. We weren’t very calculated in our responses either. I remember this one AO asking my kid where else she is applying, and she proceeded to list e-v-e-r-y single school on her radar. She even used her fingers to count all her schools to make sure she didn’t miss any!.. I must have told her a dozen times not to do that, and there she is, a kid, having an uninhibited conversation. What can you do?

@junemaybees , that must have been a horrible experience; I’m sorry. Let’s hope this year’s better, yeah? :slight_smile:

I GOT IN TO NMH!!! :smiley:

^^^^^same. I’m so excited

NMH is such a great school ! Congrats to you both @lfc1535 and @asdf789

Congrats @asdf789 and @lfc1535!!

Congratulations, @asdf789 and @lfc1535 !