M10 Freakout Thread 2016

Congratulations to @asdf789 and @lfc1535 !

Hooray, @asdf789 and @lfc1535 !

Congrats to you both! Happy day in your home I am sure!

@asdf789 NICE! Now waiting for M10 should be easier!

I just finished reading last year’s freak out thread - I am really concerned because it seemed a huge number of kids were WL/ Rejected. Anyone look at 2014 thread? Was that as bad as well?

@Rathgar - I hope you let us know how you do. I am emotionally invested in your journey. :slight_smile:

Can anyone link the 2015 freak out thread? Wow, two more days, I’m going to try my hardest not to look during school… lol

This waiting game is so incredibly hard! We’ve had an acceptance (waiting on financial aid info) and two waitlists as of today. I’m still on edge though for Thursday…still another entire day of waiting!

Strangely, hearing that others are crawling out of their skin waiting makes me feel supported. Just got another mass email this morning saying “Decision Day is just around the corner” - as if we didn’t know (ha ha).

@coolkb , this is the [url=<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/prep-school-cafe/1725805-the-m10-freak-out-thread-applicants-2015.html%5Dlink.%5B/url”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/prep-school-cafe/1725805-the-m10-freak-out-thread-applicants-2015.html]link.[/url]

Do yourself a favor and start at page 160. But caution…it goes downhill real fast for lots of applicants!

Congratulations on the acceptance, @RuralAmerica! I hope the FA works out

thanks @minimalist and @MAandMEmom, i felt bad for a lot of those applicants! sobbing and anxiety, is probably going to be me tomorrow night…who else thinks they’ll be up due to anxiety lol

Somehow this is like a countdown to something totally awful (but not quite the worst thing possible )like a root canal or a colonoscopy or a biopsy. You KNOW its going to hurt, you know its both good and bad all at the same time and you cant avoid it. I have a splitting headache right now-like someone has stuck a chopstick in my left temple,

I feel like I’m jinxing my DS’ chances with all my negative energy and fears. I feel it’s 50/50 good or bad so better to be positive. But why I keep bracing myself for the worst, I don’t know. What are people’s plans for dinner on M10?

@CLNMOM : ditto. as for dinner lets see. if we get in i might as well start getting used to ramen again. if we don’t i will feel like i can splurge on champagne because i will start feeling flush. how screwed up is that!?

If someone said I’ll give you $100K over the next 12 months if your DS stays at his LPS, does that change anything? You would think it would as $100K is A LOT of money. Yet, it’s as though that $100K is nothing more than Monopoly money as I don’t care at all about it and would gladly spend it if DS could get at least one acceptance. Something seems a bit off, I know, but I just can’t bear DS languishing for the next four years. We live in one of the worst PS districts in the country and yet he has so much potential IMHO.

@CLNMOM . i feel for you. sending good thoughts your way.

@Center I totally get it! My anxiety has been through the roof today!
@CLNMOM no way! Our LPS is just not worth it!

As for dinner tomorrow, my DC has a sports clinic until probably 6:00. It’s the last one of the year so they’re having a pizza party too. So who knows! I’ll probably be too sick to my stomach to eat.

@CLNMOM Are you applying to Choate? Because I got the email of a same subject. If you could tell me, what grade is your child applying for?