M10 Freakout Thread 2016

@minimalist --ignorance is bliss. . . 8-|

Having read all the threads from last year I feel like I lived through it already. I saw so many wait list and reject on last years thread it was depressing to read. I haven’t applied to the super well known schools. Some I applied to say 50 percent accept rate. Should I be more hopeful?

@Rathgar While the decision is entirely out of our hands now, hope is always a good quality to possess. If you constantly plague yourself with negative thoughts and it turns out like so, you’ll end up more dejected than you would be if you had believed in yourself. But there is, however, a difference between having hope and being cocksure. Have some hope and don’t compare yourself to others who have led different lives under different circumstances.

32 days left… counting down days since January 20th… haha

@hillchoatelville Oh my goodness, every passing day is harder to bear than the last. Only today did it hit me that the decision of going to a relatively great high school rests in the hands of the AO’s. I hope they know that they’re instilling anxiety in the hearts of thousands of teenagers around the world… AGH.

My daughter pulled a yogurt out of the fridge yesterday with a March 12 expiration date. . . Getting closer!

Our plans for March 10: Leave on a ski trip!!! It’s a good thing we are three hours behind all the schools and will still have cell coverage when the emails go out. BTW, in reading LY’s threads, it looks like Andover does not send their email out until 6:00 PM EST. Can anyone confirm this?

My DD has an important swim meet the very next day so not sure when we’ll crack open the emails…

Do all schools now notify by email? I have some schools that have portals and that is where they let you know. I have other schools with no portal- do they send you an e-mail or go with old-fashioned snail mail?

This is a bit off topic, but it sort of goes along with the thread: Remember, prep school shouldn’t be something you freak out about/stress over. If you do get in and attend, it is a fulfilling experience, but I often wonder if life would have been easier at a public school. Plus, you will get to do plenty of freaking out/stressing once you are actually at prep school, especially when it comes time to apply to college.

p.s. I remember just four years ago when I didn’t receive any notification via portal or email. Woke up on March 10th to find a big fat Fedex envelope from Andover! I think snail mail makes it far more exciting…

@Rathgar See Stargirl’s spreadsheet from last year:

not sure why that link isn’t working (??). Here’s the thread in which that link is embedded… http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/prep-school-admissions/1609268-how-schools-notify-applicants.html

We will be travelling internationally. As luck would have it, by the time we land and check in somewhere, I think all of the schools will have emailed or posted by then.

Rathgar, I think they all either email you or give you a link to a portal, anymore.

30 days - of course it has to be a leap year - could have been in the 20s

I know RIGHT?? I used to love having leap years-- and now, not so much ~X(

I’ve been stuck between wanting it to be March 10 and wanting to wait forever. Please tell me it’s not just me!

How’s your homework? My daughter has so much homework already piled up, she doesn’t worry about anything else.

I don’t have regularly assigned homework besides math. Right now, I’m mainly working on papers and projects but I’m ahead of most people in my class so that means I have lots of time to think about m10. Don’t know if thats bad or good…

hard to concentrate - keep thinking “what if I don’t get in anywhere?” four weeks is soooo long

Not so worried, doubt i’ll get in; i only applied to exeter/andover b/c i couldn’t apply to other schools… oh well