M10 Freakout Thread 2016

Oh, come on, Anonymousia; don’t give up hope just quite yet! But, of course, the anxiety is totally understandable… Ugh, I hate waiting.

its actually not that long… 1 month is fine… i have next week off anyways so that should pass quickly. I’m going skiing for the first time ever! ~O) Do you have a weeklong break next week too? @minimalist

The head of school at one of the school’s DS applied to said a couple of things at an event that echo @littleswimmer’s comments above that I thought were really helpful.

  1. If you got to the point of applying, it means that you have someone in your life who cares a lot about your education -- someone who made sure you got your testing done, gave up his/her time to visit these schools, and generally helped coordinate recommendations, etc. This makes you a very fortunate person. Be grateful because no matter what happens, you have someone amazing in your camp!
  2. Whether you liked all the schools you saw and whether you get into the schools you applied to, you have a had a great opportunity to learn something about yourself. You had a chance to think about who you are now, who you want to be, and what kinds of places work for that. Thinking about the future by applying to prep schools makes that process way more intentional than it'd be if you just moved on to your public high school (or whatever you'd do!)

We’re now 4 years past this and doing the college thing, and while that too has its stresses, we learned that if you stay true to who you are – and ignore a lot of the noise about what other people think is “best” – things turn out just fine.

Unfortunately, I don’t, @Anonymousia ; my school only has President’s Day off. But skiing sounds fun! Just make sure to properly strap yourself to your skis and be aware of your surroundings (a few years ago, I didn’t follow the advice I was given and hit a tree after crashing into someone…). Ooh, but I’ll be watching Deadpool on Sunday, so I have something to look forward to insert a smiley face emoji here, because I’ve absolutely no clue how to add an emoji on CC.

Some people naturally ski. But if there is anyone who is like me, a less agile and balanced person, he can greatly benefit from the shortest skis he can find. My first three years were miserable. In the fourth year, I screwed my bindings to my daughters old 110cm skis. Durability was of no concern because I was very slow anyway. I had so much fun! This year I went to all the blue courses with easy. People don’t really look at my “little red skis.” If they do, they seldom comment. But don’t use any non-release bindings on ski boots or you risk injury.

hello on Day 25 - anyone around?

Stargirl put together a spreadsheet of all the schools and how they notify. Think this might have been back in 2014. Just copy and paste:

hi @Rathgar ! How’s it going?

@minimalist @SculptorDad My ski trip was awesome! My family rented the ski boots and the ski (boards?) bottoms. I’m not sure what they were called, but it was the kind were you press your ski boots onto the boards until some kind of button pops up (really hard to do whenever I fall in the middle of the hill). It was really cold, though: we went to Pennsylvania.

Hey guys, I just saw this and would love to join! Really really REALLY nervous about M10, but at least I’ll know. What schools are you all applying to?

@Anonymousia , I think the ski boards you’ve mentioned are just called skis. I hope you had fun! Have you ever experienced extreme cold? I mean, you went skiing in Pennsylvania, so I presume you live around that area.

Hey, @ivydreamer01 ! Glad to have you on board. I won’t be too specific about it right now (I don’t want to risk my privacy; just in case there might be AOs scouring the forums), but I’m applying to numerous HADES/GLADCHEMMS schools, two schools that are not frequently mentioned on CC, and a public charter. You?

All of my school’s are TSAO besides Governor’s. I can’t believe M10 is so close, but so far away. Are you freaking out too? @minimalist

Oh my goodness, @ivydreamer01 , I’ve been so highly strung for God-knows-how-long (and it’s only bound to get worse :(). Tensions have only been running higher ever since my mother mentioned that I must be accepted to at least one BS (thanks, Mom!). Distracting myself can only go so far…

Hi everyone, this is my last shot as I am an 11th grade applicant. I have applied to schools not frequently mentioned on this site - a mix of BS and private day schools. 24 days…

aaghhh well good luck @Rathgar and I’m sorry @minimalist thankfully my mom isn’t pressuring me but a) I’m pressuring myself, as I feel like I need to get in (especially to Andover and Exeter) though I know the chances are low! and b) my dad is gonna go to court if I get in and decide to go

They call the shorter than normal ski boards or blades. But of course they may have been just regular skis as well:)

@Rathgar , I would say good luck, but you seem to be supported by all of your fellow CCers (including me :wink: ) and a very accomplished student. Wow, a little over three weeks! It only seemed like yesterday that I had all my interviews. Do you have anything to do between today and M10?

As I have told Rathgar, you, too will not need luck, @ivydreamer01 . I would say that all the schools you are applying to are just as great and demanding as A/E. And oh? Your current situation sounds interesting, but, of course, it is your choice to disclose information or not.

Hm, maybe we need to talk about something else to take our minds off of this madness. Favorite TV show(s)? I absolutely adore “The 100.”

@ivydreamer01 b) same

Sorry to just hop on here but @Rathgar I’m in the same boat as you I’m also applying as an 11th grader so this would be my last chance I hope we both end up with happy outcomes

No need to apologize, @Julie0635 Good luck! What schools are you applying to?

@minimalist I’m actually only applying to Andover and Exeter because my mother wanted me to work on no more then two and make them really solid applications and at the same time I also thought about the fact that it was already my sophomore year so if I’m going to do this might as well aim somewhere out there :slight_smile: