M10 Freakout Thread 2016

@GoatMama I tried signing up but It didn’t let me… :frowning: Now I will have to wait in agony for another 2 days I guess

Im so obsessed with this thread… I close it and come back to it at least every 7 minutes… Its driving me crazy

if schools said they are emailing results - do they also send out packages?

me too hahahaha!! @hillchoatelville

@Rathgar I might be wrong, but from what I know it that you get ‘welcome bundles’ packages when you are accepted. This is different from your emails, whereas they can reject/waitlist you.

28 hours - I am officially completely stressed out - I am up tomorrow evening so I need to sleep tonight

@Rathgar, I think I saw a post from 2015 that said the lucky student received a FedEx package on M10 AND received an email notification. I could be wrong but that’s what struck me - how organized of the school to deliver both on the same day.

@GoatMama – are turned downs and wait lists not fedex’d/ups?

well nothing in the mail for me at this point :frowning:
do schools always send packages to coincide with the email?
or are you saying the email might only be for reject/ wait list? (panic setting in)

http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/prep-school-admissions/935584-best-worst-admission-rejection-letters-packages-p1.html This might be it?

@Rathgar sorry to confuse you. On March 10th, no matter what kind of result it is, you will get emails from schools (or however they notify). If you get an acceptance email, you will be most likely to get a package.

I was never able to confirm an account for my daughter on fedex.com. Does it come to the parent or student?

@laenen Every school notifies all candidates by either email or a web portal. In addition, MOST schools send to accepted students a welcome package via FedEx or UPS. Packages are USUALLY sent so that they are delivered on M10. Note the hedging!

Just curious, Did you have to put the name and home address of your child or did you just put your name and home mail address?

@hillchoatelville but will the package arrive on March 10th? I guess I’m wondering - if there is no package that I can track, is that a sign that I may not have any acceptances? or do some schools send things after March 10?

@Rathgar Schools will email or post on an admissions portal all decisions: accept, WL, reject. Welcome packages, if sent, are sent to accepted students only. Hence, if a FedEx package is on the way for you, it is not a reject/WL.

and if there is nothing on the way?
should I assume that’s a WL/ reject?

I don’t know if Im doing something wrong, but I don’t see any deliveries :(… This is not a good news

@Rathgar, I’m going through the same freak out as you right now, just having confirmed with Fedex there is no package being delivered to our address tomorrow, M10 or M11 - the FedEx personnel on the other end seemed confused by my question and I was too embarrassed to tell her what I was trying to accomplish. I don’t think not having a package is indicative of what M10 email you will receive (at least I’m telling myself this) as geography can play a big role in delivery schedules, etc. Let’s have faith that all will work out for the best and waiting until M10 is part of the fun of this crazy process.

I still reserve the right to freak out once this momentary calm passes …

@CLNMOM Im kinda freaking out right now, because the geography does not play a big part in where I live… (East Coast). I’m just hoping that the packages aren’t yet sent for people who live closer.